6:39 p.m.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Fatima Khalid wrote:
Your child may have dermatitis, which is not easy, as mothers and fathers begin to think less about experimenting with medications and creams, prompting them to seek advice to help them relieve their symptoms. .
Eczema is a skin disease caused by dermatitis, characterized by cutaneous hypersensitivity and is often genetic.
Dietitian Karen Fisher says the symptoms of the disease can be prevented in a simple way: it involves small dietary changes and highlights certain foods that young people exposed to eczema should avoid as they worsen the rash cutaneous, according to Mirror magazine.
Fischer said that dairy products such as cow's milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, desserts and goat's milk should be limited, as well as egg white and cold meat for children exposed to eczema.
Fruits such as grapes, oranges and kiwis can aggravate Karin's symptoms, such as dried fruits, avocados, broccoli and tomatoes.
In addition to these foods, many other foods suggested by the nutritionist, with their extensive experience and research, reduce the symptoms of rashes. For example, vegetables, green onions and red cabbage are very useful. Potatoes are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin B6. Potbadium, magnesium, copper, manganese, vitamin B5 and dietary fiber, according to the magazine's website.
It is also necessary to take proteins such as fish, which have a positive effect on the skin, as well as pears that reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases.
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