What you are following today only leads to the division and division of the Druze


Sheikh of the Druze Druze sect Nasruddin al-Gharib addressed a letter to political leaders of the Druze monotheistic community who began by addressing the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, saying: "J & Was a leader of the march, "The mountain and Arab Lebanon have also made precious to preserve your cousins ​​and have not yielded. It was at a time when the other team could not do the national duty of Prince Talal Erslan where he was abroad. "

When he returned to Lebanon, he n & # 39; Did not give up standing next to you in difficult missions "His audience was a partner for you and a fighter where he needed to take full responsibility, and then he wanted the circumstances to participate in political work, even if this step is not without differences of views. "

Your allies, Walid Bey, no return to anyone, as well as Prince Talal chose what suits him in the coalition and suddenly began to attack the shrine of the Prince from all the corners up to the climax of the shooting at his headquarters in Shuweifat and then launched the charges.In this regard, the response was also "violent" Your story forces you to lead, but it must s & rsquo; # 39; accompanies r the preservation of the sect and the call for unity and solidarity at a time when the region is a fierce conflict between adults. And what you are following today only leads to division and division. "

He concluded:" Please, you must reconsider what you are doing, so that there are rumors from here and from there, you are responsible for what happens, (19659005) Thanks for reading the news of Sheikh Ghareeb Jumblatt: What you are following today only leads to the division and division of the Druze on the Gulf 365 and you informs that the content of the subject was written by the newsletter (Lebanon) may have been fully transferred or cited and you can

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