Who are the admonishing elements who were executed in Iran?


The World – Iran

Here is a brief summary of Al-Dawash that was executed today: 19659002 1. Sulaiman Muzaffari by the pseudonym Abu-Nbadar Amin Husseini: He left the # Iran in 2015 and joined Daqash. In 2017, he infiltrated the country with a terrorist cell with weapons and ammunition and wore an explosive belt. He then remained in the city of Kermanshah under the pseudonym of Amin Hosseini and did not accompany the terrorist cell to Tehran to prepare and plan subsequent operations. He carried a pistol, an explosive belt, 140-mm bullets, 3 rifle magazines, 6 light bullets, a tear-throwing device and a number of mobile phones belonging to the perpetrators of the Teheran attacks

. Terrorists "The Brotherhood" and "Al Qaeda" and presence at the headquarters of the terrorist organization "Da" ash "in Syria and participation in" Da "ash" in the Mosul war and training in the Execution of terrorist operations in Iran.

2 – Ismail Sufi by pseudonym Ihsan: He died in the terrorist attack in Tehran. Ismail Sufi provided information on the blind crossings and provided equipment for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices and the supply of military equipment and attracted elements such as Rahman Behrouz, Ayoub Ismaili, Majed Mortazai and Serias Sadeghi who blew themselves up near Imam Khomeini Shrine. (Reza), and he revealed his will in which he expressed his intention to conduct suicide operations, and when the arrest carried with him an explosive belt and quantities of military and military equipment with Suleiman Muzaffari

3. Rahman Behrouz by the nickname Ja & # 39; far: Buying a Tablet He collaborated with al-Qaeda and collaborated with the terrorist cell since it entered Iran to provide housing and transport cellular elements, prepare materials for the manufacture of Explosives, prepare and transport weapons and military equipment. Kalashnikov and Beretta, 4 explosive belts, 3 explosive belts for treatment, 3 mobile phones for remote detonation and technical devices for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices, another element of the cell and have hidden military equipment such as 22 artillery shells and 4 shells. Land mines and grenades.

4 – Mr. Majid Mortadai: Mhruf with his tendency to extremist groups, and after the announcement of the emergence of "Da" ash has taken effective measures such as support and the propaganda and drew elements of this terrorist organization in 2015 Who carried out the operation of Tehran.

5-Sirus Azizi by the pseudonym Bahrouz: He supported the terrorist organization "Da" ash "and was continuously involved in the organizing sessions of" Daqash "in the city of Bawa (western Iran). Can be known through his badociation with Syrias Sadeghi on the Salafist ideology Takfiri and the organization of "Da" sh "in 2012, and in 2013 Badi Sadeqi in the house of the latter as a representative from Abi Bakr al-Baghdadi. Azizi openly admitted his knowledge of Tehran's operations and collaborated with the terrorist cell by transferring the suicidal element of Sariqi to nearby towns (Kermanshah) in order to attract suicidal elements

6. Ayoub Ismaili, a supporter of Da'Ass and reliable members of Ismail Sufi, During the establishment of the terrorist cell in the region, he played a role in transporting the elements, l & # 39; purchase of military equipment, transport and concealment of weapons and ammunition for the cell and the preparation of explosives. Other activities include the preparation and transfer of 12 grenades to members of the terrorist cell and its involvement in the concealment and transfer of weapons and war material, the supply of 80 kg of phosphate for the manufacture of Improvised explosive devices and sending troops to Dahesh. "Kurdistan Brigades" and joined the "da" ash by Suleiman Muzaffari. Was aware of the structure of the organization to carry out terrorist acts in the country, and taking into account the knowledge of the conditions in the region, he initiated the provision of housing for the elements of the cell and the process of transport from one place to another. He then transferred the elements of Srebel's cell to Kermanshah via the metro, then transported cell elements to different parts of the province and received funds to organize the terrorist cell and hand it over to their families.

He was the brother of Rahman Behrouz and one of the main defendants in this case, knowing the organization of his brother and providing the necessities of the elements of the cell in terms of housing, transportation, supply and disappearance, and identification of boundaries and gaps. Educate He ordered the transfer of weapons, equipment and terrorist elements from the Iraqi territory and identified the ports and roads, received artillery shells and grenades from Ismail Sufi and kept them at home and handed them over to his brother Rahman. Terrorist attacks in packages and explosive devices.

Othman was accused of belonging to the organization "Da" ash "to carry out terrorist operations and the definition of his cousin to organize and transfer large military expeditions (

After the terrorist attacks that were aimed at building the Council of the Islamic Shura and the tomb of Imam Khomeini (1965), it was mentioned that after the terrorist attacks, Rez) in 7 Hazir

After the 39, completion of the judicial investigations and in accordance with the indictment issued against them in chamber 33 of the General and Revolutionary Courts (Martyr Makdis), they sought punishment for them for their criminal acts committed ( 1965-19002) These elements were then tried in Chamber 15 of the Courts of the Islamic Revolution in accordance with legal standards and in the presence of defense lawyers. In public, according to The defendants were sentenced to death because of the charges contained in the indictment, as well as their knowledge of the targets of the terrorist cell to carry out terrorist operations in the construction of the Council of the Islamic Shura and shrine of Imam Khomeini. And 287 of the Islamic Penal Code

After the objection of the convicts and their lawyer, the Chamber 39 of the Supreme Court of the country confirmed these decisions issued by the Court of First Instance and the determination of the determinants of the sentences,

It is also stated that the record of the other accused and related persons is still open.


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