Who are the "opponents of Putin & # 39; who broke into the World Cup final yesterday?


The group of women politicians Pussy Riot claimed the storming of the Luzhinki stadium, which was the final of the World Cup between France and Croatia.

While the result was two goals against France in the 52nd minute of the match, it was really exciting when four people stormed the stadium and were pursued by Russian security men . Croatian defender "Diane Lovrin" also tried to keep the ball away from them.

The incident left many onlookers on social media and on the ground, especially given the intense security presence of the stadium and the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin. French and Croatian counterparts 002] The group said in its statement posted on its networking sites that the storm came on the 11th anniversary of the departure of Russian poet Dmitry Brigov, stating that "the four people who stormed the stage within 52 minutes appeared in a former police uniform ". Security forces chased them to the stadium before attempting to reach any player in the final. "The group also issued a list of demands that they wanted to implement by the Russian government, including" the release of political prisoners, the end of illegal arrests in protests, and political competition in the country. "

"Pussy Riot" is a Moscow-Organizes political presentations on political life in Russia in strange places such as the appearance of electric buses or scaffolding in the Moscow metro, the Russian authorities arrested a number of members because of political activities and caused riots similar to the incident.Take the Sealing Step.

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