Who blocks the formation of the Lebanese government by Hezbollah?


A member of the Hezbollah Central Council, Sheikh Nabil Qaouq, accused Saudi Arabia and America of obstructing the formation of a new Lebanese government through its interventions

During his patronage of the annual graduation ceremony of the students of the Mahdi School in Bint Jbeil, In the city of Bint Jbeil, "Saudi interference in the formation of the Lebanese government is no longer a secret, and has become the prime reason for elevating the identity of political parties to the ceiling of claims and quotas, and disrupting barriers and internal contracts. "

The United States has become as well known and exposed as their domestic He stressed that "the delay in forming the government is a direct targeting of the Pact and the interests of all Lebanese."

He stressed that "if some of the internal organs and Saudi Arabia are betting on their compensations in the legislative elections," The victories that are made and recorded in southern Syria today are strategic victories. major ones that resulted in major political, military and security strategies for America, Saudi Arabia and Israel. "

It Improves Our Son's Immunity" In 2006, Israel he's mobilized, "he said, adding that" Israel mobilized in 2006 to mobilize Lebanese refugees in Iraq and the Gulf. "All his military strength and his political support to besiege and weaken the will of the resistance have failed and, since 2006, they bet on the siege and weaken and exhaust the resistance by betting on the Syrian crisis, but all recognize today the mistake of their resistance. "

Source: Al Manar

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