Why do not some people get colds and how do we become like them?


The health

Why do not some people get colds and how do we become like them?


Paulo Amorim

Why do not some people get colds?

Many people suffer during the winter symptoms of colds, sore throats and nasal obstruction, while some lucky people live in absolute comfort, freed from this suffering. What is their secret?

In this regard, a study conducted by Harvard University for 24 years and published last week revealed that twins often suffered from similar illnesses, suggesting that DNA was responsible for 40% of the diseases.

Professor Ron Eccles, a specialist in pneumology, who works at Cardiff University, said he was convinced that heredity was at the origin of the common cold virus in some people.

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"We were born with a unique immune system, like the fingerprint," he said, adding that people without a cold could get HIV, but their immune system would destroy them and the symptoms would not. They did not appear.

Common cold viruses primarily target the lining of the nose and throat, as well as the sinuses.

"There are more than 160 different types of cold infections, with new species appearing over time, so it makes perfect sense for an average person to take a cold every year," said Dr. Jenna Makuyoshi of the University of Susbad. Fragile respiratory system is attacked resulting in a stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing and sore throat. "

Dr. Makyoshi agrees that, for genetic reasons, people are better able to fight colds than others. But can we do something to protect ourselves? The answer is yes, and the first goal must be to get enough rest.

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"Our immune system is dependent on sleep to produce a large number of healthy immune cells and to get rid of old cells that may be ineffective," Jenna said. It also warns that smokers and those who drink alcohol regularly increase risk factors.

Professor Daniel Davis, author of The Beautiful Cure and Professor of Immunology at the University of Manchester, said that "anxiety affects the immune system in the long run, which weakens its ability to fight the cold virus ".

The general practitioner, Jeff Foster, who has about 17,000 patients on the Leamington Spa's list, thinks the people most likely to have a cold usually suffer from undernutrition, and that many of the the schemes we try to follow in new annual decisions are not. Help

There is also evidence that obesity increases the risk of viral infections and reduces the immune response.

Source: Daily Mail

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