Willian lifts the banner of disobedience to Sari and Barcelona finds a way to join him


Barcelona hopes to achieve one of its greatest dreams by signing Chelsea's Willean Wing and Chelsea during the transfer period of this summer

Read more: Barcelona returns with a new offer to join Chelsea [19659003] Mundo Deportivo says that the Brazilian international is strongly encouraged to leave Stamford Bridge this summer in the midst of a major struggle between European giants to gain his services.

Willean against Brazil against Costa Rica at the World Cup

The Catalan newspaper The famous Maurizio Sari is the new artistic director Blouz asked to keep the player for a week for training under his direction to make his final decision on him.

Manchester United is close to the abduction of Chelsea

(19659008) and Willian and Coutinho in the Brazilian formation

. Barcelona was the last offer made by Chelsea from Manchester United. In order to persuade him to do without Willian with a value of 53 million pounds. "" But Chelsea has not responded to this offer.

Barcelona pushes hard by Brazilian playmaker Philippe Coutinho to persuade Willian to move to Camp Nou this summer, who dreams of 29 years Despite the interest of his former coach Jose Mourinho by joining him at Old Trafford [19659009]

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