With the efforts of the cooperating politicians, we can get rid of all this ordeal


Dr. Samir Geagea, representative of the Lebanese Forces Party (LF), sponsored the opening ceremony of the party center in Bint Jbeil, in the border town of Rmeish, in the presence of two clerics, clerics, municipal activists, educators and social.


After the national anthems and the troops and the presentation of Christel Hanna and Lin Habib, the celebrant gave a speech on a giant screen apologizing for not having attended and sent a representative of the forces MP Habashi.

"Not only thanks to the opening of the center, but also to the role they played in the parliamentary elections, I also pay tribute to Fadi Salama, who sacrificed himself for his convictions And that this openness to Rmeish was a small but significant event, and a cause of success The Lebanese forces in the parliamentary elections, in addition to the propaganda campaign, are the activities that were established in In recent years, because as a student who studies every day and when the exam time is ready, we are all ready. "Success.

He continued: "The forces as a hive and his people have a problem, and the proof you have made in cooperation and perseverance in the construction of the center."

"The situation in Lebanon is difficult and we must work And with the efforts of the cooperating politicians we can get rid of this ordeal, serve the homeland and the homeland is built by the militants."

He concluded by offering tribulation to build the center at Rmeish, hoping to give the desired result.


Habashi gave a speech in which he praised the role of Rmeish residents in their country and their interest in agriculture.

He said: "Their relationship with the land is organic and 80% of the population lives in summer. It was the people of this region who drew the borders of Lebanon in 1920, while many tribes and tribes refused to join this region in Greater Lebanon.Ramesh has paid the high price and painted the blood of his martyrs up to the southern border. "

" When we show the story of Rmeish, we see that this region has returned Today, the ancestors have the same culture and the same historical orientation and today, I am delighted to open this center to the Lebanese Forces in Rmeish, after 100 years we will say that we will extend the borders of Greater Lebanon to 100 years in advance. "

The area they call parties that they think is the heart and pump in the parties, but Rmeish, Bint Jbeil and the north Bekaa are those who are pumped to the heart, and conversely, and this suffering we force to express this presence loudly. Where more than fifteen thousand voters on the radiation lists It is worth mentioning those who have left the homeland for hundreds of years and who have the right to recover the Lebanese identity, but we must not let our people and displaced people in search of the identity of the homeland. This second homeland and their identity. Today, we are opening a center in Rmeish after the electoral process, and you confirm your participation in the selection of 15 deputies renewing Lebanon, and the Republic bloc has the duty to pay attention to the suffering of Rmeish, Bint Jbeil and all that area. "

" The psychological barrier between Christians and the rest of the Christian community, but built on national principles written in Arab understanding, the goal of building the nation and building the homeland we dream of building a free state of corruption and transactions We will continue to maintain an agreement in the direction we wish Bint Jbeil 's political parties do not share the same political vision, this is not false because the difference Political opinion is a natural right, and so we say that our political vision is not the same.It is very similar to your vision and there is a big difference, but it is necessary to build a nation and a state to discuss together to overcome obstacles and difficulties.The best place to discuss and understand the difference is the constitutional institutions and the Lebanese state institutions and an equal political vision to build the state in Lebanon and from there, we can begin to overcome the great obstacles that come up to us and start building a state that serves the future of our generations.


Then the media chief Joseph Khayami gave a speech in which he praised the role of the Lebanese Forces in Rmeish who "were working to complete the opening of the center"

"We want to be masters in our country and free on the territory of a homeland, "We offered him martyrs, no nation without freedom, sovereignty, justice and homeland without the Lebanese forces."

"We will be an example in this office for all those who live in a free country and look to the future with optimism.To meet our concerns and our business, this house of forces will be the cornerstone on that we will build our future and the future of our children and our homeland. "


The head of the office, Kaby El-Hajj, gave the speech of the forces to Rmeish Shukr, directed by the patron of the celebration, Dr. Geagea, and praised the role of MP Dr. Habashi. The believer and the believer who visited Rmeish at the time of the struggle broke the silence and the wall of fear. "

" We promise our people of Rmeish and the neighborhood to be on their side in their good and bad times. Dr. Habashi and his colleagues from the powerful bloc of the Republic and form a Principles incubator and a bridge of communication and openness, so that we grew up in the Lebanese Forces, and that's what we have acquired wisdom from the wise leader. "

A member of the party's central council, Jean Alam, delivered a speech in which he said: "We have come here not only to open a center, but to defend the banner of truth and homeland. "We are here on our earth to hold the glories of past centuries, the challenges of the present reality and the aspirations of the future."

"The understanding of Ma 'arab is a project of stability and understanding within the same society, the political situation on the Lebanese scene, and our proximity to any party or not" We pursue the project of the present state, which is the project of participation, sovereignty, integrity, dignity, development, justice and identity. "

" With this hope, we open the Rmeish Center in the Lebanese Forces and hold the Secretariat and strive to seek a homeland that our ancestors and ancestors have long dreamed of, "he said."


and threw the Justice "Iman Aoun broke the word of the inhabitants of the town of Rmeish, where she spoke of Rmeish's story, her promises and the difficult crises she was going through: poverty, isolation, shortage of money, and the lack of money. water and constant concern for existence and destiny. "

The relationship with science and creativity has been largely cut. However, Rmeish's son did not hesitate, but contributed to the heroism of the championship and to the pride and love of work, the tobacco seedlings, pulled from the sweat of his forehead , companion of his way and cumin bread, and today, in an important place for Lebanese politics. "The opening of this house is an affirmation and consolidation of the Christian presence in this region, which is one of the parties, which is an added value for us. We want this house to be a home. for every Ramshi and every Southerner, Muslim or Christian who works in And the future of our South and Lebanon. "

Elias Hbadrouni

" We have been living in a different region for over four hundred years, living with our neighbors in good and bad times, sectarianism with great sins and sectarianism, and as our ancestors lived in that, "he said. We respect the privacy of each other and we respect each other, and we stay on the will of parents and grandparents, it is the love of neighbor and respect and accept it as it is. "

and concluded by asking for the opening of a new center in the city of Dublin, pledging to" keep the promise and meet the cause and the forces and blood of the martyrs and the attachment to Lebanon and live in freedom and dignity. "

The ceremony was marked by documentary films about Rmeish's history between the past and the present, and the origins of the forces and the first steps that went through the events of Lebanon at the establishment of the state to the present.

The ceremony concluded cut the center's opening bar, and cut a cake and a badtail in the honor of the public

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