Working to solve people's business instead of political conflict – Al-Manar TV Site – Lebanon


A member of the "strong Lebanese bloc" called on Edgar Trabelsi to "work to solve the people's affairs instead of political conflict on various fronts."

Trabelsi said Friday that "the initiative of the Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bishara Boutros" The Lebanese forces and the free patriotic movement are welcome and the visit of the Arabs of the agreement, Minister Melhem Al- Riyashi and MP Ibrahim Kanaan Al-Diman are encouraged. "

Trabulsi stressed that" the Lebanese bloc is committed to this agreement. Denial and revocation. "

Li said that" the Free Patriotic Movement signed the agreement and implemented what was agreed with the Lebanese Forces in different parts of the state "and stressed that" the lack team to do what he wants does not mean working to blow up this agreement. "

Source: National Information Agency

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