World Bank: Egypt's external debt is expected to reach 106 billion dollars by the end of March


Cairo – Mubasher: Egypt 's external debt rose 20.4% from one year to the next in the first quarter of 2019, the World Bank announced.

Egypt's external debt reached $ 106.2 billion at the end of March, up from $ 88.16 billion for the corresponding period of 2018, the bank said in a recent report.

Egypt's external debt rose to $ 96.6 billion at the end of 2018, according to banking data.

Total foreign debt rose 3.4 percent to $ 96.6 billion at the end of December 2018, from $ 93.1 billion at the end of September, the central bank announced in May 2019.

In June, the governor of the Egyptian central bank, Tarek Amer, said that the external debt figures remained safe and within the agreed limits, according to the program of economic reforms.

The central bank attributed the rise in external debt, due to the rise in loans and net user facilities, to about $ 4.3 billion, as well as lower prices for most of the currencies borrowed against the dollar. 400 million dollars.

In early August, the Egyptian finance minister announced that his country would receive the last tranche of the International Monetary Fund facility of $ 2 billion.

The International Fund, announced in mid-July, agreed to spend $ 2 billion in Egypt as part of the review of Egypt's economic reform program.

Egypt is implementing a program of economic reforms with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since November 2016, which guarantees the government $ 12 billion over three years. This program includes the reduction of energy subsidies for electricity and petroleum products, increased tax revenues and control of the state budget.


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