World Cancer Day
Haneen Obeidat
Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, with a number of specific and variable mortality rates in the world.
The definition of cancer is the irregular and irregular growth of cells as a tumor in a specific organ or its spread in the body.
Due to the severity of the disease, the World Health Organization has organized a Cancer Day (World Cancer Day), which takes place on February 4th of each year, in order to raise awareness and educate about cancer, as well as the need to provide correct health information as well as the need for rapid screening and prevention. And support the victims mentally and psychologically.
Cancer prevalence rates are increasing around the world for many reasons, including:
• over-smoking.
• a poor diet.
The age groups affected by cancer are similar in all countries of the world, including Jordan. The most affected groups are 50 and over 15 years old.
The incidence of cancer varies among men and women in all countries of the world: the man is infected in the colon, prostate, rectum and stomach. Women are badfeeding in the cervix, lung, colon and thyroid.
Children and most cancers are found in the lymph nodes, blood and brain.
The cost of cancer in the world is estimated at billions of dollars, because the most common illness and treatment require several steps.
Cancer prevention is:
Non-smoking, healthy eating, sun exposure and more.
Until now, studies have not shown any radical cure for cancer, but there are some treatments, such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, depending on the type of cancer and the affected limb.
In Jordan, cancer is increasing every year at a growing rate, with the King Hussein Cancer Center revealing that the cancer prevalence in Jordan is estimated at 100,000 out of 150 infected people, and that this percentage is increasing steadily each year and the number injured in Jordan is estimated at several thousand.
The medical team (doctors, pharmacists, nurses and others) plays an important role in conducting extensive awareness campaigns and the need for early detection and prevention, and special badociations for this disease are based on these Awareness campaigns, Our humanitarian initiative has launched the initiative to expand and modernize the Oncology and Hematology Department of Al Bashir Hospital as a patient and moral support .
"Many people have not forgotten that this disease is a scourge that must be fought and stand alongside infected people, and show solidarity and social solidarity.They still need support, not because They are weak, but because people like us are exposed all the time as they have been exposed. "
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