Yemeni Government complains to Houthi Security Council of violations against civilians


Yesterday, the Yemeni government sent a letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres and the Security Council on the latest developments in the humanitarian situation in Hodeidah and the continuing violations of Houthi militia against civilians [19659002]. And to prevent the evacuation of civilians from combat zones and their use as human shields. The letter, sent by Yemeni Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yamani to the Security Council, stated that "as Hodeidah's release and reception approach, Huthi militias continue their violence and abuse against their population. . "

The Yemeni complaint is brought to the attention of the Secretary-General, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the United Nations Secretary-General, the United Nations and the Security Council, at a time when the legitimacy of international organizations to use the humanitarian file in Hodeidah to block the decisive battle to restore the city against the militia

Nizar Basaib, Deputy Minister of Planning and International Cooperation of Yemen. Meanwhile, UAE Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash said in a tweet on his Twitter page that Lebanon was retreating from its policy of "distancing" and intervening in the Yemeni crisis, referring to Hezbollah militias

. A food siege on the iron city of Tahita Yesterday, and they prevented the arrival of food to the people, and coincided with the deployment of snipers in the nearby town of Zabid. The "Giant Brigades" found weapons and heavy and medium equipment left by armed men while painting farms separating the towns of Tahita and Zubaid. In addition to cleaning the areas from where they pulled out.

Sources report that "the Houthis have prevented the arrival of trucks loaded with food and vegetables from the city of Zabid to the city of Tahita." The militias "suffocate the city" after they were eventually driven out by joint forces, backed by the Arab coalition, and launched a campaign of arrests. The commander of the 35th Armored Brigade, Brigadier General Adnan Al-Hammadi, said yesterday that the Arab Coalition for Legitimacy Support is preparing to liberate Taiz province and advance on four parallel fronts to Al. -Sharija and Al-Qubaitah in Lahj. Al-Aqma towards the besieged province, pointing out that the operation supported by the coalition fighters, inscribed in the military plan includes the Heifan, Karash and Mawiya fronts southeast of Taiz [19659004] In the manager De Nectarine in the province of Hodeidah, where nearly 4 tons of food baskets distributed, benefiting 300 displaced people, in addition to 2000 boxes of dates, benefiting 12,000 people.

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