Your smartphone does not only listen to you, but it's more dangerous than you think


A recent study by researchers at Northeastern University in the United States has been a big surprise to smartphone users: phones not only spy on their users but are "more dangerous than we think" .
According to the study, smart phones do not spy on phone microphone users, but several apps spy on their screens.
The study, prepared by researchers for a year, included more than 17,000 applications of the most famous Android applications. ] The researchers worked to determine if any of them had recorded the sound through the phone's microphone, and ended up with a surprising result denying the conspiracy theory that many people believe, which is to spy on users through the phone's microphone.
In contrast, several applications capture video recordings and what is displayed on the screen, and then these shots are sent to a third party.
During the study, a number of applications were tested, such as GoPuff, which recorded a video from the application screen and has sent to a company called Appsee, for the purpose of Making use of personal data in advertising
A Russian company unveiled a smartphone that says it protects users' calls against any intrusion or eavesdropping, but reports that the company is allegedly linked to the Russian secret services.
The new phone calls Tejapon, a product of the Russian computer company InfoWatch
Tejafun was shown Friday at an economic exhibition in the Russian capital Moscow, reported Saturday the Daily Mail
. The new phone is worth about $ 260, five times cheaper than the price of the iPhone in Russia.

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