Zgharta's sponsor: Politicians must be cured because they suffer from corruption


The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bishara Boutros, the patron, inaugurates the new sections of the Zgharta Lady Hospital

On arrival at the hospital, the shepherd removes the curtain from A new Kabila named Lady Zghorta. They all went to the meeting room where a ceremony was held and a film was shown on the creation of Zidarta Hospital.

The chairman of the hospital's medical committee, Dr. Shiban Revol, presented in a speech the achievements and agreements that were made to raise the level of medical applications.

The Patriarch spoke in his speech to all those who gave for the development of the hospital. And provocative.

He greeted the martyrs of the army who fell in defense of the homeland as the martyrs who died in the 70 year war for the defense of Zgharta Zawiya. And the number of achievements in the construction and medical hospital, considering that this "generates in us the joy and pride that it is among the largest hospitals in Lebanon."

He hoped that "the salvation of the motherland and the formation of a government as soon as possible to begin the reforms necessary to obtain material aid loans and subsidies, because the delay is for him Serious repercussions on the homeland. "" No one has the right to manipulate the rights of our people, whatever the challenges, "he said," the policy must be cured because it suffers from corruption and seeks at the expense of the public interest and politicians ".

and called for "building internal unity and avoiding dichotomies and exclusions because Lebanon is multi-denominational, contrary to the Constitution and the Charter" and hoped "to the users in public affairs their recovery psychological and political "[1965900]t, s)
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