Ziad Itani recounts the details of his torture during his arrest.


Human Rights Watch said today that Ziad Itani, who was acquitted of spying for Israel, told details of his enforced disappearance and torture during his detention in Lebanon.

Itani told Human Rights Watch that on November 23, around 12:30 pm, a man in plainclothes, who presented himself only as a "state", was forced to do four-wheel drive after completing a play in Ain. Rummaneh, a suburb of Beirut. Itani said that the man had hit him in the face, chest and head. He was taken away in what he described as a "room equipped with torture", completely blackened and hung with metal hooks. He said six men in plain clothes were present, one of them accusing him of "talking to Israel" and punishing him in the face. Itani said that the man threatened to physically hurt his daughter and added his wife and sister to the investigation file. "You have to talk because you have to understand that torture exists in all countries," Itani said. "They did about two or three hours with him about his dealings with Israel and then someone told him to call his wife to tell him that he would be gone for 10 days. said that he had not found any indication that the place was an official detention center, where no one in uniform or other inmates had been seen, there was no of official flags or slogans, and that he was detained in a cell in a room.

The details of the investigation were leaked to Itani and the charges against him in the media a day after his arrest Itani described the escape as "the most common form of torture I've ever seen. In my life, they took my phone while I was in my cell and read the news and publications of my friends on Facebook … I lost hope … The psychological torture and the words they used were worse than physical torture. Itani said the interrogators told him that they were preventing people from burning his parents' house and that he should cooperate.

Itani said the physical torture had begun after he had refused to sign the confession on November 26 around 6 pm. He said that four men tied him in a painful position on the floor and were beaten by one of them shouting. He said that they slapped him in the face, chest, legs and kicked him, and that one of the men took off his pants and licked him. struck at the bads. The men then hung his wrists on a rod between the sides of the door so that his feet barely touched the ground and left him for hours.

Itani said the men removed it later and tied it to the ground. Then they knelt and kicked her on the face and trampled her, causing bleeding in her mouth and the loss of one of her teeth. Itani sent Human Rights Watch a medical report documenting injuries to seven teeth in the mouth. Itani remembers that one of the men said, "I'm mad, people will make us happy later because you are a traitor. Then they tied his wrists to the penis. He remembers hearing someone on the phone saying, "We can not deliver him now, the remains are still on his body."

Itani said that one of the men, who appeared to be responsible, told him that he was inserting a rod into his body. Another man says, "It will be your turn, and we do not care because you are a traitor." Itani agreed to sign.

On November 28, the men took him to the Beirut military court and handed him over to the military police, where he spent 54 days in solitary confinement. "I saw no doctor, my body was blue and I spit blood, I could not speak clearly."

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