LeBron James is the biggest star of the NBA and, as far as social media is concerned, he certainly plays the role. The Lakers superstar can be constantly seen on his Instagram story, making jokes and praising his sacred family tradition of Taco Tuesday. Yesterday, LeBron put a wig in his beauty kit for a second and started telling his fans that he had pushed back his hair. Clearly, LeBron was joking here but he seemed quite convinced of his own madness.

Throughout the video, James plays with his daughter saying that he will end up having braids like her. James certainly plays the embarrassing father role here and he does it very well. It must be interesting to be a fly on the wall at LeBron as he turns on this camera facing forward and starts doing his job.

Once the video was recorded on Twitter, fans immediately became aware of it and began to sound about LeBron's antics. Many were amused by LeBron's new hairstyle while others delivered an irrational hatred. LeBron is a polarizing player and whenever he does something, people have an opinion to share.

That said, check out some of the best reactions below and tell us what you think about LeBron's new look.