Leclerc asks Ferrari for explanations after the release of Q1


Charles Leclerc said he was turning to Ferrari to explain why the team had not sent him for a final round in qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix. He was finally eliminated in Q1.

Sebastian Vettel struggled in the first part of qualifying after a crash in FP3 and, after touching the wall of the pool section, he aborted a late attempt and returned to the pits. Vettel now in the drop zone, he was sent off for one last run, but Leclerc was kept in the pits. When several drivers improved their times, Leclerc dropped to 15th place before Vettel hit faster than his teammate, and Leclerc said his team had not yet explained why he thought he was safe.

"I asked if they were safe," said Leclerc. "They said," We think we are. "I said," Should not we go out yet? "Yes, there was no real answer, I think they thought that we would go … I do not know I do not have detailed explanations yet Very difficult to take.

"In fact, we had a lot of time, even when we came out of the box to go out again. The weighbridge was not the problem. We still had the fuel to go and change only the tires. None of this was a problem. I need explanations.

Provisionally, from the 16th place of a circuit, it is very difficult to overtake, Leclerc admits that he will have to take a number of risks and hope that the help of the weather will allow him to keep a good result Sunday.

"I hope it's going to rain, and then there will be some lottery inside." If it's dry, it'll be boring. I think I will have to take a lot of risk, or even risk breaking down. In the end, the only thing we have to do now is try to be extreme in our overtaking, because it's a track where it's almost impossible to overtake, so we'll see.


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