Left 4 Dead-alike Back 4 Blood is now in closed alpha


I’m sure we all have fond memories of playing Left 4 Dead and its brilliant sequel. But as fun as they are, it’s no secret the couple got along a little bit, and it’s time for something to happen to continue this cooperative carnage *. Thankfully, Turtle Rock’s own Back 4 Blood entered closed alpha today, and while it’s not Left 4 Dead 3 by name, early reports suggest the developers have delivered a solid successor. to Bill and the gang’s zombie destruction classic.

* That something was Warhammer: Vermintide 2, but you know. Fantasy hacking is not to everyone’s taste, I can get it.

After its gameplay reveal at the Game Awards last week, Back 4 Blood has since opened entries for its closed alpha – an alpha that debuted earlier tonight. Until next Monday, the Limited Alpha will allow you to play at a full level with the new Infected Specials (sorry, “Ridden”) and pseudo-roguelike cards in the game, which will allow you to counter a set of “Ridden” modifiers. corruption ”with your own hand of blessings.

While I haven’t had any luck with Back 4 Blood yet (and I have my own painful hang-ups regarding the aesthetics of the game compared to L4D), our friends at Eurogamer had a blast, feeling that Back 4 Blood “really feels a bit like you might imagine a new Left 4 Dead could play if it came out today.” That’s a hell of a start.

“For now, it’s just a pleasure to remember the power of the formula Turtle Rock introduced all these years ago, and to see where it can be pushed with modern technology and techniques,” writes Martin. Robinson. “It’s a pleasure to see a returning team doing what they do best, and for what looks to be a good time.

You can sign up for the alpha Back 4 Blood on the game’s official website. Then just wait for your invitation to appear. Fancy a quick run from No Mercy, anyone?

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