Left protesters interrupt Biden during closing debate of Democratic presidential debate


Left-wing protesters interrupted presidential poll leader 2020, Joe Biden, as he spoke during the presidential debate on Thursday night.

Election 2020 Debate

A protester is kidnapped during the Democratic presidential primary debate.

(AP Photo / David J. Phillip)

At the end of the debate, the moderators asked each candidate to explain the professional setback they had experienced and how they had managed to overcome it. The former Vice President was the first to be offered an answer to this question.

As Biden began to talk about how he had handled the family tragedies, protesters had interrupted him.

While protesters protesters were unclear on TV, many people on social media claimed that they were screaming against the DACA and illegal immigration.

During the presidential debate in July, many demonstrators interrupted candidates. This is not the first time that Biden is the target. During this debate, the rowdy people began to sing "3 million deportations", which refers to the number of evictions carried out under the administration of President Barack Obama.

In another case, the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, who did not qualify for Thursday's debate, was heckled by protesters after Eric Garner passed away. New York Police Officer, Daniel Pantaleo.


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