Legion will eventually get a 60 FPS option on next-gen consoles


Wipe that paint off your eyes, 60 frames per second are on the way.

Wipe that paint off your eyes, 60 frames per second are on the way.
Picture: Ubisoft

In a recent “ask me anything” session on Reddit, Guard dogs: Legion Live producer Lathieeshe Thillainathan said Ubisoft is working on adding a higher framerate option to gaming on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S.

“60 fps for next-gen consoles are in development and we will announce the exact release dates with our future [title updates]”Thillainathan told fans earlier today, a detail that was finally shared by the game’s official Twitter account.

Unlike many of his contemporaries, Guard dogs: Legion was not launched with a mode focused on frame rate rather than graphics fidelity. Eurogamer reported at the time that the config files in the PC version indicated that 60fps gaming was once in the cards for next-gen consoles, although it did not make it into final versions for unknown reasons.

The last Guard dogs: Legion roadmap, which covers updates from late April to August 2021, makes no mention of a frame rate fix, so gamers may have to wait until fall or later for this smooth, smooth gameplay. But maybe they will surprise us.


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