Legion's 'Path of Exile' Expansion Enables Players to Battle 5 Ancient Legions with Reworked Combat


The last Way of exile the expansion, Legion, has just been announced. Players will have the chance to fight five armies of the past dungeon crawlers and enjoy a review in melee combat. This league will give veterans and new players something to tinker with and have fun.

Five ancient legions

When players enter the monolith that is at the center of the new content league for Legion they will be transported into the realm of timeless conflicts. Once there, they will have enough time to attack as many enemies as possible. The enemies are frozen until the end of the allotted time, then each enemy player tag comes alive and attacks them. This gives them the opportunity to develop a strategy: summon as many enemies as possible and risk being overwhelmed or choosing enemies to defeat?

way of exile legion five armies The new units of the army that you will have to fight Grinding games

Some of these monsters will drop Splinters when they are killed, with each army receiving its corresponding Splinter. Gather 50 of them in an emblem will become an army via the Map Device. Players need two to five emblems to activate new content and it could take days to win all these Splinters.

There are also 12 new unique items that come with a set of abilities already attached. Aukuna's Will can summon zombies without corpses and make sure that your zombies count as corpses. Voll's protector is an ancient object that has Legion upgrade, making it useful for players who want to build tanky.

the will of aukuna Path of Exile new elements Aukuna's Will is a new object to come in the Legion Grinding games

New fight, updated tutorial

Way of exile is undergoing a major overhaul in order to make the game less "awkward". Attack animations can be undone, movement techniques are activated immediately, and melee attacks hit multiple enemies.

Since Way of exile was released in 2013, developers continued to accumulate new content while neglecting some of the previous items. The tutorial has gone through many different incarnations throughout his life. The bosses were very difficult and had to be attacked properly, which made it difficult to acquire skills for new players. A redesign has been applied, making these patterns much easier to kill. Over the years, these bosses began to collapse with multiple abilities that simply stopped working.

With Legion , the PoE The developers have decided to go back and make difficult early game bosses again. Each player now has access to a mobility ability very early in the game, which allows them to dodge and weave incoming attacks. Hopefully this will make the start of the game a little more rewarding and will draw more players into the video game that keeps growing year by year.

The highly anticipated 4.0.0 Way of exile The update will be announced at ExileCon, a new convention dedicated to the game on November 16 and 17.

Way of exile The Legion will be launched on June 7th on PC.


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