Lenovo yoga headphones are designed for music, chat and voice control


Lenovo promises better audio quality for your conference calls or Skype conversations with a smart voice feature. Basically, the company says you can use them to chat just as much as to listen to music. Or, as Lenovo says, "immersive entertainment or targeted productivity."

Lenovo Yoga ANC headset "data-caption =" Lenovo Yoga ANC headset "data-credit =" Lenovo "data-credit-link-back =" "data-dam-provider =" "data-local-id =" local-2 -1035450-1551011072447 "data-media-id =" f0af97fc-5a63-4322-b18e-408b7a179942 "data-original-url =" https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2019-02 / 13b33200-382f-11e9-be7f-b57333d271d7 "data-title =" Lenovo Yoga ANC Headsets "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?crop=1301%2C900%2C146%2C146%2C06% 2C0 & quality = 85 & formality = 85 & formality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 1600% 2C1106 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fos% 2Fos% 2Fcrs-% 2F1219% 2F1120 or 615% Spare Parts</p>
<p>Regarding the overall sound quality, the yoga helmets contain Dolby drivers and a "high fidelity sound". I'm going to get my hands on a pair later this week, so I hope to be able to judge these merits fairly quickly with some detailed audio impressions. Lenovo is not discussing the battery life yet, but again, it should be some information I will receive over the next few days. The company has opted for Bluetooth 5 and USB-C – the latter becoming more and more the standard for wireless headsets. Finally, thanks to its foldable design, yoga headphones will be easier to store in your bag and high-end materials, such as finished aluminum headphones, will enhance the overall look.</p>
<p>The ANC Yoga headphones will go on sale in Europe in June and arrive in the United States in July. When they do, expect to pay respectively € 158 and € 170 to take a pair.</p>
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