Leslye Headland’s series will take place in another universe, timeline


Russian Doll creator Leslye Headland explained details of her upcoming Star Wars TV show for Disney +, including when the show takes place.

Earlier this year it was announced that Russian doll creator Leslye Headland would serve as showrunner and executive producer on a TV show set in the Star wars universe for Disney +. Now Headland has revealed details about the program, including when it takes place.

“I would say it’s in a universe pocket and a timeline pocket that we don’t know much about,” Headland said in an interview with Fantastic Frankey. “I kinda see if Star wars is a religion. I like to think of my show as a tent renewal. You can come if you want. We’re going to talk about cool stuff. “

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“There will be things we haven’t discussed in the canon yet,” Headland continued. “There are going to be some characters you don’t know.”

She also mentioned how another Lucasfilm property influenced the making of the show. “For me it’s less about going through Star wars cinematic or artistic universe, in fact, I comb geographically and take a literal trip, ”Headland explained. Indiana Jones-like ‘we go here and then we go here’, with the little red dotted line like this is our journey, this is where we go. “

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Details on Headland’s show are scarce, although rumors suggest it will involve martial arts action and a female-centric cast. However, more concrete is the fact that the show is part of a big push towards live television by the Star wars franchise following the success of The Mandalorian.

Future Star wars efforts on Disney + include not only the Headland program, but a third season and potential spinoff for The Mandalorian, like those centered on Boba Fett and perhaps Cara Dune. Additional to come Star wars plans for Disney + include a Cassian Andor series with Diego Luna reprising his role as the titular rebel spy of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and an Obi-Wan Kenobi series with Ewan McGregor.

The release dates for both series, as well as the Headland show, are currently unknown, however. Star Wars: Cassian Andor should be presented in 2021.

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Source: YouTube, via ComingSoon.net

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