Let There Be Carnage almost had a much different and much better title


Sure, “Venom: Love Will Tear Us Apart” might have required some cash for the Joy Division domain, but can you imagine the marketing campaign they could have launched around that title alone? You could have a “Venom” version of the famous “Unknown Pleasures” album cover and a million “Venom” trailers featuring the haunting, gritty song. I also bet they could have tricked more than a few music nerds into forking out tickets if they had called it “Venom: Love Will Tear Us Apart”. I’m crazy just thinking about it. How could you have such a cool title and throw it right into your mind?

And although I was very angry Serkis didn’t say to fuck him in the legal department (assuming that was a problem) and accept it, it makes me wonder what other goth songs would have. could function as “Venom” titles. The genre of “Venom: The Shadow of Love” works, while “Venom: Bela Lugosi’s Dead” makes no sense even though it’s hilarious. Maybe “Venom: Black No. 1” and “Venom: The Killing Moon” could be something if you squinted hard enough? I could try to match gothic songs following “Venom” for hundreds of words and it wouldn’t be fun for anyone other than me, but notice my words, you’ll think about it longer than you should. to be. It opened up another dimension in your mind where there is a darker, weirder, sadder “Venom” movie. It’s a shame we can’t have it.


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