Let this Twitter songwriter serenade you with randomly generated music


I’ve been listening to robotic music all week. No, not Daft Punk, but randomly generated music posted hourly by a Twitter bot, @ MelodyBot3456. As you would expect from the auto-generated music, the short songs (if you can call them that) are often quirky and regularly turn in unexpected and hilarious directions.

Each song applies a random instrument, tempo, time signature, and key to melodies that most of the time just make absolutely no sense. Take this one, for example, made with an instrument called “Mario Paint” which vaguely sounds like something Mario paintingfamous music composer:

Or this one, which a friend described as a computer trying to create a Black Keys song with a weird time signature:

Or this one, which brings me to tears of joy every time I hear it, played by an instrument called “1812 Cannons” (which are surely inspired by the glorious canons at the end of Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture”).

Sometimes, however, the bot inexplicably produces something that’s pretty good. This song wouldn’t feel out of place in a good video game:

And this one just slaps:

I highly recommend just scroll through the bot’s tweets yourself and listen to anything that sounds vaguely interesting. Most of them will probably make you laugh, and every once in a while you will find a gem. The account has been around since July 2019, so there’s a lot to listen to.

I’ll leave you with my absolute favorite tune of the week, performed by clave robots. It’s absurd.


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