Let's clear this season "Destiny 2" save the number once and for all


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This fall with Shadowkeep, Destiny 2 is at the same time a free part, in part, the sale of individual seasons and the addition of battle passes to the game. And needless to say, things get a bit complicated …

A complication stems from something that was told to me last week about the seasons and the availability of these in different savings accounts. It was news for the community, but it created so much confusion that Luke Smith himself had to clarify. And even then, some say it's still not clear enough.

It is time to clarify this once and for all.

How it started, is that I replied to a comment on Twitter where someone asked you if you had to buy seasons on both PS4 and PC if you were doing a cross-backup. I said yes, because previously, Bungie had stated that all downloadable content had to be purchased on both accounts.

But after saying that, Bungie communicated with me.

They added that in fact, if you used the cross-save function and you bought a season on your main account, it would be transferred to another platform. The example that was given to me was that if your "master" cross back account was Xbox, if you bought the season there, it would be transferred to PC. So I tweeted it, and it was a little viral, because it was the first time this news was shared over the seasons, and how they would work differently from larger DLCs like Shadowkeep.

But that does not make much sense. And if you used cross-back to switch from Xbox to PC but you sold your Xbox after, you could not buy seasons there? I asked Bungie if they planned to buy a season anywhere and transfer it, and they said they would come back to me.

Enter Luke Smith's clarification:

He says you can buy seasons and they will be transferred "with your Guardian saved in several rows", but some people said it was not clear enough and they did not answer the specific question of the platform on the obligation to buy the season originally.

Then, I had probably the longest of the convo backstage I have already with Bungie about it, trying to get the final clarity, and here's what we proposed.

  • Originally, the Xbox example that was given was wrong and, when the term "main account" was used, it meant that you had a Bungie master account and a your main Guardians, which were shared between accounts via cross save.
  • The seasons will be purchased via Silver, and since all Silver purchases, no matter where they are, are transferred between multiple backup accounts, the seasons work the same way. As and when, you can buy them anywhere and they will be transferred.
  • So, once and for all, if your main system is PS4, and you use cross-backup to connect to a PC, you can buy a season on Steam and it will accompany you on all platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox , no matter.
  • It stays not true for Shadowkeep, where things get a bit complicated. Shadowkeep comes with a season. Therefore, if the seasonal content itself is transferred (like the premium battle pass), Shadowkeep itself must be purchased twice on two platforms to access Shadowkeep-specific content.

In short, no matter where you buy seasons, as long as your account has been activated. The end. It's still a bit complicated because of Shadowkeep, New Light, the battle pass and all the different things that are in the game now, but I think once we get into the When we simply buy seasons, it will be a little clearer. Although they look like downloadable content, they are not classified in this category, it is a purchase of money and, as such, they will be transferred from one account to another.


Follow me & nbsp;on Twitter& nbsp;Facebook& nbsp; and & nbsp;Instagram. Pre-order my new science fiction novel & nbsp;Herokillerand read my first series, & nbsp;The trilogy born of the earth, which is also on & nbsp;audio book.


This fall with Shadowkeep, Destiny 2 is at the same time a free part, in part, the sale of individual seasons and the addition of battle passes to the game. And needless to say, things get a bit complicated …

A complication stems from something that was told to me last week about the seasons and the availability of these in different savings accounts. It was news for the community, but it created so much confusion that Luke Smith himself had to clarify. And even then, some say it's still not clear enough.

It is time to clarify this once and for all.

How it started, is that I replied to a comment on Twitter where someone asked you if you had to buy seasons on both PS4 and PC if you were doing a cross-backup. I said yes, because previously, Bungie had stated that all downloadable content had to be purchased on both accounts.

But after saying that, Bungie communicated with me.

They added that in fact, if you used the cross-save function and you bought a season on your main account, it would be transferred to another platform. The example that was given to me was that if your "master" cross back account was Xbox, if you bought the season there, it would be transferred to PC. So I tweeted it, and it was a little viral, because it was the first time this news was shared over the seasons, and how they would work differently from larger DLCs like Shadowkeep.

But that does not make much sense. And if you used cross-back to switch from Xbox to PC but you sold your Xbox after, you could not buy seasons there? I asked Bungie if they planned to buy a season anywhere and transfer it, and they said they would come back to me.

Enter Luke Smith's clarification:

He says you can buy seasons and they will be transferred "with your Guardian saved in several rows", but some people said it was not clear enough and they did not answer the specific question of the platform on the obligation to buy the season originally.

Then, I had probably the longest of the convo backstage I have already with Bungie about it, trying to get the final clarity, and here's what we proposed.

  • Originally, the Xbox example that was given was wrong and, when the term "main account" was used, it meant that you had a Bungie master account and a your main Guardians, which were shared between accounts via cross save.
  • The seasons will be purchased via Silver, and since all Silver purchases, no matter where they are, are transferred between multiple backup accounts, the seasons work the same way. As and when, you can buy them anywhere and they will be transferred.
  • So, once and for all, if your main system is PS4, and you use cross-backup to connect to a PC, you can buy a season on Steam and it will accompany you on all platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox , no matter.
  • It stays not true for Shadowkeep, where things get a bit complicated. Shadowkeep comes with a season. Therefore, if the seasonal content itself is transferred (like the premium battle pass), Shadowkeep itself must be purchased twice on two platforms to access Shadowkeep-specific content.

In short, no matter where you buy seasons, as long as your account has been activated. The end. It's still a bit complicated because of Shadowkeep, New Light, the battle pass and all the different things that are in the game now, but I think once we get into the When we simply buy seasons, it will be a little clearer. Although they look like downloadable content, they are not classified in this category, it is a purchase of money and, as such, they will be transferred from one account to another.


Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Pre-order my new science fiction novel Herokillerand read my first series, The trilogy born of the earthwho is also on audio book.


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