Lewistown Public Schools Alert Parents on "Momo Challenge"


Lewistown Public School officials visited social media on Thursday to alert parents of the "Momo Challenge".

In a Facebook post, officials wrote that they were aware of the challenge and asked parents to monitor their children's social media accounts and video games.

They advised parents to have a conversation with their child about the challenge and its potential harm.

The challenge encourages kids to do dangerous and violent acts through social media, according to Lewistown Public Schools. If they refuse to do their jobs, the "Momo", a woman with tired eyes, black hair and radiant, with a smile, will cyber-bully children until They are complying

The Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office has issued a warning about the "Momo Challenge" earlier this month after a 12-year-old Lockwood became a target.

"In order to meet Momo, you will have to perform a series of tasks. These tasks must be verified through images and / or videos taken. Tasks become progressively more violent and dangerous. The last task would have been suicide or extreme violence, "said the Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office.

RELATED: "The Momo Challenge" almost deadly for the family, says a Californian mother

Several online reports indicate that the "Momo Challenge" has resulted in the death of several miners in the world during the past year.


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