Lil Nas X’s “Montero” Is An Incredibly Varied Pop Debut Album


Final score: 8.3 / 10

Lil Nas X Montero album cover

“Montero” consists of 15 tracks.

British Records

Ahlgrim: It’s hard to imagine the type of person who wouldn’t appreciate this album – provided they have functioning ears and a human heart.

Of course, “Montero” is not without flaws. But it is certainly one of the most significant beginnings in recent memory, and it’s pretty obvious why. Lil Nas X is just absurdly nice.

One of the reasons I was disappointed with his 2019 EP “7” was that it lacked its special luster, that undeniable charm at the heart of “Old Town Road” and its record reign. Fortunately, “Montero” shines as often as it sizzles, cracks, smolders and bursts with passion.

Lil Nas could have made an entire album of brilliant hits like “Old Town Road”, “Call Me by Your Name” and “Industry Baby”, and that would have been delicious. Instead, “Montero” is incredibly flexible, gracefully siting between brilliant acoustic guitar, trap beats, confessional emo-pop, and stage ballad – infusing every ambience with warm melodies and brilliant production worthy of. any high profile pop star.

Lil Nas continues to prove that the core of his power isn’t aesthetics or gadgets, as his detractors often claim. Understandably, he’s quick to face these criticisms head-on, eager to rise above the trolls who “never really supported me anyway.” But after the pure happiness of these beginnings, it is difficult to imagine that there will be lack of people in his corner.

Larocca: As I wrote earlier, I didn’t expect to feel attacked by Lil Nas’ lyrics, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that beneath the (admittedly awesome) gadgets and howling horns hides a beating heart, bleeding with love, affection, clarity, acceptance.

On “Montero”, Lil Nas makes vulnerability seem easy. It’s as if he believes that making a grief confession or thinking about your youngster’s suicidal thoughts is exactly what you do when drinking with your friends. Honestly, he’s my kind of friend.

If “Montero” is a house party, Lil Nas doesn’t sit around dancing in the living room or drinking in the kitchen; he’s also the wallflower sharing secrets with a close friend nearby, the guy sneaking into the bedroom with his crush and the loner dipping his feet into the pool in the back.

There is nothing of a note about this album – it has a kaleidoscopic range of emotions, vocal variety, and production elements. I can’t imagine hearing this 15 song set and not coming away with at least one standout favorite. I have listened to “Lost in the Citadel” more times than I can count.

It’s rare to have a debut album with so much hype already built in before it drops. It’s even rarer to live up to this hype. But with “Montero,” Lil Nas X continued his impressive streak of not losing since he started.

To listen :

“Montero (call me by your name)”

“Dead now”

“Industry baby”

“That’s what I want”


“Lost in the Citadel”

“Tales of Dominica”

“The sun sets”

“To cancel”

“I do not want it”

“Am I dreaming”

Background music:

“The art of realization”

Shared decision:

“One of me”

“Slime Doll Sign”

Press skip:

“Life after Salem”

* Album’s final score based on songs by category (1 point for “Worth Listening”, 0.5 for “Background Music”, 0.5 for “Shared Decision”, 0 for “Skip” to the press ”).


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