Lily Allen Says She Considered Taking Heroin While Supporting Miley Cyrus On Tour


Lily Allen said she plans to take heroin while supporting Miley Cyrus on tour in the United States

The singer said that she had not taken drugs, but that was the moment when she realized that she needed to “confront” her “demons”.

Speaking to DJ Fat Tony on The Recovery podcast, Allen opened up about how she got back on the road due to a lack of money after the birth of her children.

“I was like 14 stones and didn’t feel like a pop star at all, so I started taking this drug called adderall, which is like speed, to lose weight, and I got addicted to it. medicine because it made me invincible and I could work really long hours and be whatever I needed to be, ”she says.

“And then I ended up touring America to support Miley Cyrus. That was when she was doing Wrecking Ball and the Bangerz tour and it was a highly sexualized tour, ”Allen explained.

“I had just spent the last three years pushing babies. It couldn’t be less how I felt.

It was the first time Allen had been a supporting act on tour, with the singer explaining that the slot had affected her confidence.

“I was supporting this girl who was much younger and more attractive than I felt and just started playing in all kinds of ways,” she said.

“I started cheating on my husband and I had always really drunk alcohol to get rid of the drugs, then I realized I would wake up in the morning and drink those mini bottles of vodka or whiskey or whatever was left, without the most drugs.

“I thought, ‘I think I have a drinking problem.’ I remember being in Los Angeles and thinking, ‘None of this is working anymore. Maybe I should try heroin.

“But… I had been in a scene where I saw what happened to people who use heroin, and I knew that when that thought occurred to me, it was time to face my feelings. demons, and that was about five years ago. And I started to recover.

Lily Allen – Credit: Getty

Allen said she started battling addiction using The Rooms online recovery tool, but said she relapsed after six months.

“I just wanted to be six months old, so at least I know I can stop this when I need to. At six months I started drinking again and almost instantly lost everything. I lost my marriage, I lost my house that I had worked for 10 years to buy, ”she says.

“My career started to fail and I lost all my friends, I didn’t have any of my friends anymore.

“I was so resentful and so angry the whole time, I really felt the world owed me things and I had the raw end of the matter. And it went on for another four years, and then I found myself in The Rooms again.

Allen is now sober and says it has helped her have a “great relationship” with her children.

I am there to pick them up at the school gates whenever I can. I drop them off in the morning, and I will make them dinner, and they will come to me when they have problems, and that is golden for me, ”she says.

“They are confident little girls. They are not going to become addicts like me. They are on the right track.

Late last year Allen revealed that she had completed her fifth album and is now working on three musicals.

In September 2020, Allen also announced his marriage to Strange things star David Harbor. The couple got married in a ceremony in Las Vegas.

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