Lindsey Glass, Plano, Texas bartender who served Spencer Hight, mass shooter and murderer, was arrested


A Texas bartender who served a man who later went on deadly shooting spree in September 2017 was arrested in Texas. Lindsey Glass, 27, was full of violating the law when it was served. Hight then drove to his ex-wife's house in Plano, Texas, and shot and killed eight people.

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In 2018, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission concluded that Glass violated Texas law to an habitual drunkard or an intoxicated or insane person. " The crime is a misdemeanor that carries a year in jail or a $ 500 fine, or both.

In a statement to CBS News, Glass' attorney, Scott Palmer said, "Spencer Hight's decision to destroy the lives of the other people is unrelated to the four-year-old who's been drinking at the Local Public House on September 10, 2017."

"Indeed, far from being complicit, Lindsey was the only one who tried to stop Hight," Palmer's statement said. "When Lindsey Became Suspicions of Hight She Contacted Her Manager When Her Manager's Efforts Did Not Resolve Lindsey's Concerns, She Followed Hight and Then, As Her Concerned Grew, She Called It 911."

We September 10, 2017, Spencer Hight showed up to a Dallas Cowboys watch party in Plano heavily armed. He shot and killed eight people, seriously injuring one other person, before the police shot and killed him. His 27-year-old estranged wife Meredith Lane, who was among those killed, had been hosting a cookout at her home for co-workers and friends.

Plano Police Chief Greg W. Rushin called the crime of the worst mass shooting in the city's history. "We've never had a shooting of this magnitude, never had this many victims," ​​he said. at the time.

Despite his intoxication, Hight's massacre appeared carefully planned. He came armed with a .38 caliber handgun, an AR-15 rifle and a folding knife. Police discovered rounds of ammunition and binoculars inside of his car, and found another rifle, additional ammunition and gun accessories at his apartment.

According to the video taken from The Local Public House in Plano, Texas, Hight displayed a large knife to bar staff members, even spinning it around. Hight was visibly drunk and his behavior at the bar. Glass texted fellow bartender Timothy Banks about Hight's behavior.

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Banks confronted Hight on the bar, Jerry Owen. Glass and the Local Public House were both sued by the victims' families for a million dollars in damages for their perceived role in the massacre. Their civil suit was later dropped.


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