Lindsey Graham hits Kamala Harris, then has to explain herself


South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who repeated unsubstantiated allegations of widespread electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election, caused slight commotion on Tuesday after being filmed in Senate on Tuesday with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Harris returned to the Senate for the first time since Tuesday’s election to vote “no” to President Donald Trump’s appointment of Judy Shelton to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and Graham apparently offered Harris a punch apparently congratulating and a pat on the back. its way into the bedroom.

A interaction video went viral on social media, with many on the left taking the clip as proof that Graham – and the Republican Party as a whole – don’t really believe the election was “stolen” as the president claimed, and are only publicly mocking allegations of electoral fraud to stay on good terms with the president’s base. Additionally, some of the president’s staunchest supporters saw the punch as betrayal.

Regardless, the normally harmless move forced Graham to explain himself to CNN congressional reporter Manu Raju, given the senator’s refusal to publicly recognize Biden as president-elect and Harris as vice-president-elect. Graham told Raju that he wasn’t congratulating Harris, but that he was “just saying hello”.

“I haven’t seen her in a while,” Graham said. “If it works and they are successful, I told them that I wish them well and try to work where we can. We will find out here in a month or two or less.”

Raju reported that Harris had a lengthy conversation with other Republican Senators including Tim Scott (South Carolina), Mike Rounds (South Dakota), James Lankford (Oklahoma) and Ben Sasse (Nebraska).

Lankford reportedly asked Harris, “How’s the food battle behind you in California going?” in reference to jockeying to fill his soon vacant seat in the Senate. Newsom has yet to announce who he will nominate to take the seat, but California Secretary of State Alex Padilla is reportedly the frontrunner.


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