Lisa Bonet seemed deeply offended when Ashley Graham asked Jason Momoa to do a Haka


Lisa Bonet had a physical reaction to Ashley Graham's casually request that her husband, actor Jason Momoa, do a dance-on-demand Oscars Sunday.

In a now viral clip shared on Twitter, the model, which interviewed celebrities for the ABC Red Carpet, asks the star of "Aquaman", of Hawaiian Native descent, to make a "haka move" And act as if it was fun. new dance movement.

And although Momoa is known to have played a haka – a traditional Maori-styled war dance, New Zealand's indigenous people – Graham's candidacy sometimes did not seem to appeal to the couple who reacted to the question with eyes. empty.

Bonet, for his part, immediately tried to interrupt the interview, but Momoa reluctantly agreed.

Twitter users have talked a lot about this exchange worthy of the name.

Throughout the night, Graham asked celebrities to dance on the red carpet.

But none of her requests were as precise as the one she asked Momoa, who, like his wife, is Métis.

Bonet spoke publicly about the problems she was facing because of her race with PorterEdit in 2018: "The world was not ready for what I represented, the merger of these two races. I did not always feel welcome – in my mother's family, at my school. "

She added: "So I took shelter by always refusing a little because I did not always feel safe. [If I could go back, I’d] try not to internalize the disdain and hate that have been projected on me. "

HuffPost solicited comments from Graham, Bonet and Momoa, but did not receive an immediate response.


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