List Exchange, Williams, Gregorius, Rizzo, Arenado, Prospects and other Cubs balls


The coming week, Ohio is opening vaccination windows for teachers and The Wife got their appointment Wednesday earlier this morning. It makes me very happy.

• It’s one of those “I’m not really concluding anything” points, but it sounds like an interesting context: If you’re talking about salary and salary replaced, the Cubs basically traded Kyle Schwarber for Joc Pederson and Trevor Williams. Good deal? Bad business? I mean, I think Schwarber has the highest edge of any member of this line for 2021, but I also think Pederson probably has the highest floor than Schwarber, given his better non-offensive value. So even that could have been a fair trade for a lot of people. Williams, of course, could continue his descent to become flat, not worth making the list. But at 28, and two years of being really good, it’s a swing that I love to have on the list. (There is also the very small chance that unlike Schwarber (who reportedly received a one-year deal in arbitration), Pederson (mutual option for 2022) and Williams (team control until 2022) could be parts. two years, rather than one.)

• Speaking of Williams, it’s awesome – it’s from his dad:

• Williams, by the way, had thoughts earlier this offseason about returning the lead down (which, in turn, will help his four-seamer get back up):

• Also, here is Williams:

• Things got a little crazy yesterday between Cubs moves and football stuff, so I didn’t really have room to notice that the Phillies resign Didi Gregorius for two years and $ 28 million, which is an interesting deal for him to make – doesn’t quite maximize what he likely could have gotten with a contract over three years, but it does allow him to skip the next year’s monster shortstop class. Then again, he’ll be heading into his 33-year-old season when he joins free agency, and he’ll need to be pretty damn good the next two years to get a big paycheck again. The timing of his Tommy John surgery and then the pandemic simply crushed his career earning potential. He was looking to become a possible $ 200 million guy after his huge 2017-18 seasons with the Yankees.

• Michael’s tongue was in his cheek with this one, but it’s pretty cool to see that no player, other than Mike Trout, has added more probability of winning to his team’s games since 2014 than ‘Anthony Rizzo:

• I love that we can start thinking about minor league teams again:

• Obviously it depends on who starts where, which is exceptionally hard to predict after the lost season, but this AA Tennessee Smokies club could become one of the most promising Cubs farm teams in six or seven years.

• It’s still not finalized, so I’ll come back to it more if and when it’s official, but the rumor is that the restructuring of Nolan Arenado’s trade contract with the Cardinals will include an additional one year and $ 15 million in his deal (the price of his waiver of his no-trade clause). If this is true, then essentially the $ 50 million the Rockies invest will cover 2021, and that added 2027 (if Arenado doesn’t back out, which, again, I strongly suspect he won’t) . The Cardinals now get Arenado’s 36-year-old season, in addition to the 30-35 years he was already under contract. There’s no telling if having him at that age for $ 15 million will be a good deal this far in advance, but it sure doesn’t look ugly. Plus, Cardinals Voodoo Magic, he’ll likely win the MVP that year.

• This isn’t a compliment to the Cubs, mind you, but it’s something some townspeople keep forgetting… Per Cot’s Contracts, the White Sox’s current opening day pay plans are rising to about $ 128 million. The Cubs’ current opening day pay plans are around $ 140 million.

• Bats on the left:

• Two Cubs throw perspectives igniting the weapon. In my opinion, the league should let them present like this because the entertainment:

• (Before you ask, the running chuck is part of various throwing programs to increase speed, and not just these two screwdrivers. I’m not going to pretend to fully understand the biomechanics – it sounds terrifying to me – but I do know. It’s a thing.)

• Always remember Mr. Cub:


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