Listen to Elisabeth Hasselbeck leave 'The View' after an argument with Barbara Walters


Before Elizabeth Hasselbeck was fired from "The View" in 2013, she had tried to leave the daytime talk show in the middle of a commercial break.

In the new book "Ladies Who Punch: The Explosive Story of" The View "" Variety"Ramin Setoodeh" describes a day in a Hot Topics debate too hot for the former conservative co-host of the series.

As Setoodeh says in the book, Hasselbeck, 41, was discussing with Barbara Walters and Joy Behar on television on August 2, 2006 about an FDA proposal to allow the consumer morning after pill on sale.

Hasselbeck, who argued that taking the pill was "the same thing as giving birth to a baby and abandoning it in the street," would not let other co-hosts share their opposing views.

Finally, 89-year-old Walters had to interrupt him. "Could you stop now?" Walters said. "We have to go on and we have to learn to discuss these things in some kind of rational way."

While the show turned to an advertisement, Hasselbeck was so furious that she tore her note cards and ran off.

"F – k that!" Hassselbeck shouted in a narrow hallway behind the stage, according to an audio cassette of the exchange. "I will not stay there and be reprimanded on the show. It is not right to sit there and be reprimanded on the radio.

"Come to my office here," Behar said, trying to calm her down.

"What is the f – k!" Hasselbeck shouted. "I do not even swear. She made me swear. This woman drives me crazy. I'm not coming back. I can not do the show like this. She just scolded me and she knew exactly what she was doing. Goodbye! I leave. Write about it in the F – KING Post of New York! "

After that, Hasselbeck rushed into a stairwell and hid in his dressing room.

"Well, that's ridiculous," Walters said when she learned that Hasselbeck had quit.

With only a few minutes left before the return of the live show, the show's executive producer, Bill Geddie, had to convince her to come back.

"You have to go on because you're a professional, so come with me," Geddie pleaded, as they returned to the set.


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