38 kg and several hours before death: risk of dieting – from the first lips


Jūratė Vaičiūnienė, BENU's pharmacist, explains that girls often resort to strict and misguided diets – to lose weight as quickly as possible, according to a press release.

According to her, an irresponsible approach to nutrition can cause both physical and psychological health problems. Those whom P. Čepinskaitė met have now created a non-profit organization, Feedinghope.lt, which aims to educate the public and help people with eating disorders.

P. Cepinskaitė, who weighed only 38 kg at a time, tells of a radical change in diet after the loss of a close person. "At first I did not want to eat because of the stress I felt, then I went to Colombia, where I decided to completely change diets – I became vegan." I drastically reduced the amount of calories I get, I lost a lot of weight.However, calorie restriction accompanied with overeating crises, weight changes – impaired bulimia and anorexia.You can not not realize that food is a friend of yours, not an enemy, "she remembers first steps.

Anorexia was defeated by Paula

Anorexia was defeated by Paula

© Photo of a personal album

P. Čepinskaitė says that eating disorders accompany serious health problems. And thinking and taking medication has forced me to be confused with death.

"The weight of 38 kg was the limit when I heard that I would be dead for a few hours and I was dead, and then I realized that life deserved a chance." I was 20 years old. I was in a state where even the bones started to collapse.A long path of healing and healing has begun, which I have been traveling for about two years.I am pleased to see that I feel good and that many health problems have disappeared with the disease, "said a girl suffering from anorexia who survived.

Pharmacist: diet should not be a tool to lose weight

The pharmacist BENU says that there is still a cult of beauty in society that encourages girls and women to resort to sometimes radical methods to lose weight. The most popular of them – follow a strict diet, starve. The story of P. Čepinskaitė is one of the many that shows how this can end.

"Strict and dietary diets can eventually go on fasting and cause a variety of health problems. Good knowledge here is not very good – after this diet has resumed its normal diet, molten kilograms quickly come back often, often with soil. Unfortunately, health and well-being are coming back so quickly. The diet must first and foremost be considered a healthy and balanced diet. Doctors often appoint diets to people suffering from various diseases and limit certain products or nutrients. The diet should help to stay healthy and feel good, not to lose weight quickly, "says pharmacist BENU, J. Vaičiūnienė.

She reviews a popular but risky diet that's better not to grasp to adjust its shape.

Jūratė Vaičiūnienė

Jūratė Vaičiūnienė

© Photo of the organization

Diet juice

Juice-based diets are popular because of their simplicity and quick impact. During this diet, juices are made from various fruits: apples, oranges, mangoes and vegetables such as beets, spinach and cabbage. It is also possible to include cashew milk or almond in your diet.

"Fruit and vegetable juices are rich in trace elements, but it's worth noting that when you only drink juice, you do not get all the necessary nutrients, such as protein and fat. a building material of our body that participates in various chemical reactions in the immune system Fat is important for the proper functioning of the hormonal system Unsaturated fats are particularly important for the metabolism of soluble vitamins.They are useful not only for losing weight, but also for cardiovascular activity, "says J. Vaičiūnienė.

According to the pharmacist, one or two days of unloading, when you only take juice, nothing is wrong, but with longer diets, you can start to feel sick: increased acidity of the stomach , indigestion, diarrhea, as well as mood swings, fatigue, hunger attacks, occurs due to high leaps insulin after each glbad of juice. Although the results are fast, after this diet, the scales on the scales can also jump quickly.

Apple diet

The diet of apples is similar to juice: you can only eat apples for a while and drink unsweetened water or green tea. And although pharmacist J. Vaičiūnienė admits that eating healthy apples, it contains many beneficial substances for our body, but does not recommend such a diet.

"Only apples will not receive all the materials necessary for the proper functioning of the body. For example, eating only apples will not produce protein and muscle tissue will begin to disappear. It will also start to run out of fat and good fats are essential to help maintain the hormonal system. And while this diet can actually help you lose weight fast, the effect will be short-lived. One day a week can only eat apples can be useful – the body will erase, but not really eat all week ", – warns the pharmacist BENU.

Copenhagen regime

This is another diet that aims to lose weight fast. It is said that it is easy to do, and it also speeds up the metabolism, reduces cellulite. However, the pharmacist has several complaints about this diet. It is essentially a fairly rigorous product, containing a significant reduction in the amount of fat and carbohydrates produced and limiting caloric intake to 600 kcal per day. Products such as potatoes, sugar, pasta and cereal products should be removed from their menu for moderate consumption of meat, salads, fish and coffee.

"It is obvious that restricting products to the bottom of the nutritional pyramid and the extremely low caloric intake is not beneficial to anyone, like most other diets, its effects will be short-lived – such a strict diet can not become a Therefore, I would not advise anyone to follow such a diet to lose weight.There are more effective and healthier ways, "says J. Vaičiūnienė.

Japanese diet

The Lithuanian regimes that are popular and lean in the world have a very tight menu, which can not be diverted from garbage. The diet is seduced by the fact that the variety and quantity of food seem sufficient. However, you should not be tempted to eat and slice deliciously. It is absolutely forbidden to eat flour, potatoes, rice, sugar, alcoholic beverages, salt and spices, according to the Japanese diet. The result is a snack and possibly bored food, as well as a limited social life of two weeks, which often revolves around food.

"This diet can be attributed to low calorie and high protein diets. Losing weight in carbohydrates quickly helps you lose weight. It is different from other low calorie diets because its high protein content provides a feeling of fullness, but it can be dangerous for people with kidney, digestive and elimination disorders because these organs are overloaded. And this diet does not guarantee that the weight will come back. It is much more useful to simply change your diet, refuse to lose your health and often have a high calorie, move more. It should be a way of life that will help normalize and maintain weight, "advises the pharmacist.

All diets and diets are not harmful

These are just a few diets that may seem attractive because of their quick and lasting effect. There are many, but many can not become part of their lifestyle because of strict restrictions and insufficient intake of all the necessary nutrients. And when you return to a normal diet, weight is back – often with fat.

"However, some diets can become a way of life and help balance your diet. US News, the healthiest of the year, has announced a Mediterranean diet, sometimes referred to as the Mediterranean diet. There are no strict restrictions, you must eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, full of cereal bread. There should also be more fish and seafood in the diet, as much as the reduction of poultry. It would be best to give up candy and red meat by allowing only minor sins on special occasions. This diet has a positive effect on health and well-being: it helps to reduce cholesterol, is beneficial for the heart and the circulatory system ", explains pharmacist BENU to the peculiarities of the Mediterranean diet.

The pharmacist points out that not only the food itself, but also its production and consumption process are important for switching to the Mediterranean diet. It is no coincidence that the pyramid of this diet is based on active leisure and food with people close.

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