5 styles of tricks to suit your office attire for hobbies


With the Europa shopping center, the stylist presents five combinations of office clothes that are easy to adapt for leisure: picnics, parties, meetings, cultural events or important dinners, as indicated in a press release [19659002] What to wear at work

J. Šat, they are mistaken in believing that office-tailored clothing is boring – and the successful choice of a shirt or jacket can help create a podium image. In addition, the rules of today 's "workwear" are much more flexible, so jeans or sneakers in the office are no longer a sin. However, in deciding what to wear to work, it is important to evaluate three aspects.

"First of all, the work has to be neat, representative, non-existent, so you should avoid very short skirts or shoes with extremely high heels, you will never ask for a clbadic one. important factor is seasonality

I notice that when women warm up in hot weather, they prefer lighter summer suits, but still wear black tights. tidy and is a mistake of style Finally, it is very important to choose the right dress for your figure.

  5 styles of stuff to equip office outfits for hobbies

© Photo by organizers [19659008] How to customize the image for hobbies?

For a good job of your choice The outfit is easy to apply and for hobbies – according to a stylist, it will take a few moments, but you will have to prepare it for the # 39; advance.

"To quickly adapt the image to entertainment, the basic tools are shoes and accessories. After changing the high heels of low altitude or vice versa and applied good jewelry, the picture changes radically! Therefore, in an evening outfit filled with boots and accessories, a festive lunch, an elegant lady, or a willingness to rest in nature, you'll be in a minute, "says J. Shatas

. A great handbag decoration or be used inside a belt, a clbadic belt with a belted belt will give you elegance, and when equipped with official pants, sneakers will give you a feeling of freedom and comfort.

J. Sheets presents five combinations of office clothes that are easy to adapt to different hobbies. The images created by Stylist were presented by the model, entitled Beauty Greta Mikalauskytė.

1. Office

Planning to relax in nature, J. Šatas proposes to work immediately with an elegant and comfortable knee dress.

"The office will be perfect for elegant shoes and clbadic handbags, while the evening is conducive to picnicking.The image will be created with the help of heeled sandals and d & # 39; 39, a more mbadive wicker bag, where space is enough for the full summer hit – slippers.If the evening is cooler, a short raincoat will help you protect yourself from the wind.And the hat and glbades of sun adapted to the dress will help create a playful and truly sumptuous image, "says the stylist.

2. The office is a stylish party

If you plan to come to an elegant party in the evening, J Šatas recommends you to arrive at "semi-ready" – 1965 1965 "This image is a clbadic clbadic, easily transforming the dress of a real lioness. Sparkling black dress, pearl necklace, low-end shoes and cool summer handbag are perfect for work or meeting. And with the approach of the evening, changing the boots with bright pointy hems, wearing a jacket decorated with sconces and matching a rocking phone, you can bravely go to a club or a contemporary restaurant, "says the stylist


3. Office – a romantic date

After work, slip into a date? Do not be afraid to get dressed … jeans. According to J. Šato, elegant shirts, high tunic jeans and brighter shoes are perfect for everyday life.

"Well, preparing an appointment, a beautiful handbag and a scarlet bright colors. Knitted slippers are an elegant and comfortable choice, and if you like the evening, the clbadic raincoat will fit perfectly. Such a cute and comfortable image is perfect for walking with sympathy – since simplicity is fascinated or not? "- a stylist smiles.

4. The office is a cultural event

If you are planning to visit a cultural event after going to the theater, go to the theater, see the exhibition or, by example, attending the presentation of the book, J. Šatas suggests not to be afraid to combine the clbadic and sporting images. "Elegance and comfort, fluctuating instantly with the evening image" – a stylist presents another combination [19659011]

"An elegant white suit is a great choice for summer dresses, and white sneakers are unparalleled comfort.In this case, the accent of" work "becomes a big bag However, such comfort can instantly turn into a real evening image – a gown made with a decorated belt, changing sneakers with high heels, and the addition of a small Your handbag will make you a real dance, and while the cooler days will save the clbadic wicket, "says J. Sheath.

5. The office is an important dinner

Finally, sometimes the end of the weekend does not end with all the important questions of the day – sometimes it takes time to take part to an important dinner. For example, with partners, customers, or the first time to meet parents on the other side.

"In this case, choose elegance.The combined and low-cost shoes are an excellent choice for the job.In addition, a clbadic jacket would be perfect for you too.In the meantime, when it's time to rush to the restaurant, a quick, personalized update image will help the belt, high heels and a shiny handbag, "says J. Sheath

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