
The Lakers disagreed for 5.3 million. Buy Cousins ​​in Dollars / News


Photo: AFP – Scanpix

Photo. AFP – Scanpix

5.3 million The Los Angeles Lakers ” />

  The Los Angeles Lakers
  The Los Angeles Lakers </h3>
<div clbad=  The Los Angeles Lakers </h3>
<div clbad=  The Los Angeles Lakers </h3>
<div clbad=  The Los Angeles Lakers </h3>
<div clbad=  Los Angeles Lakers [19659006] Los Angeles Lakers
  NBA (National Basketball Association) 19659007 New York Times reporter Marc Stein announced that this summer, Cousins ​​gave the Lakers team the opportunity to do the same 5.3 million. The Los Angeles Club has decided to turn in a different direction. </p>
<p>  This was offered after the Lakers had agreed with LeBron James and Rajon Rondo, while Julius Randle was already on his way to the Pelicans in New Orleans. Cousin contacted Warriors when he heard the Lakers answer. </p>
<p>  A 211 cm long Cousin 28 years old had the opportunity to win 4 times the following season. During the season, the pelican club offered the basketball player an extension of the two-year contract during which he would have won $ 40 million. Dollars Finally, Cousins ​​took Randle to the Pelicans </p>
<p>  The midfielder Cousins ​​played in New Orleans last season and scored on average [2519459005] at 25.2 </span> 12.9 in a rebound and 5.4 in the final transfer. </p>
<p>  This will be the 9th season of the NBA in the league. </p>
<p>  Cousins ​​recovering from the trauma of Achilles will return to the site in December or January </p>
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