In the NT market – the summer tide: 10%. less offers


In the first month of summer, the real estate market echoes nature: the spring was early and active, and the beginning of summer is quieter

According to the Provisional Center of Registers, 10,657 buildings, premises and land were sold in June. That's 10 percent less than May and 9.3 percent less. less than last June, respectively 11,843 and 11,752 properties were purchased.

In June, 2,878 housing units (apartments) were delivered to Lithuania. It's a little over 9%. less than in May and 3% less. less than last June, when 3,165 and 2,975 apartments were respectively transferred

The residential (home) market was also quieter – 951 of them were sold in June, c.- ie. 8.8 percent less than in May and 8.9%. less than in June of last year, when buyers bought residential buildings of 1,043 and 1,044 respectively.

974 residential apartments (apartments) were delivered in Vilnius in June. Starting in May, sales were down 16.1% from 2017. June sales were 4.2%. bigger Last month, 72 residential buildings (houses) were bought in the capital – 7.7%. less than in May and the same number as in June of last year.

In June, 428 residential buildings and 86 residential buildings were transferred to Kaunas. The residential space is transferred about 1%. more than this month of May and 1%. less than in June last year. By comparison, in May 424 housing units and 83 residential buildings were donated to Kaunas; Compared to last year 's data, this last one has sold close to 25%. more about the Kaunas residential market, which has remained the most active in Lithuania in recent years

In Klaipėda, the beginning of summer has been quiet: 262 residential dwellings were sold in the port city in June – 7.4% less than May and 6.1% less than in June last year.

In the summer, Palanga began to intensify: the sale of 65 apartments – 10.2 percent. more than in May and 38.3% more than in June of last year, when respectively 59 and 47 apartments were sold.

The land market – the tide of early summer. In June, 5,281 plots were sold in the country – 11.5%. less than in May and 9.1%. less than in June of last year when 5,970 and 5,809 parcels were sold respectively. In the summer, the summer started in the summer with smaller land sales than in May: 387 lots were sold in June, t. y 14.2% less than in May, 451 lots were transferred to new hands (against 375 lots sold in Vilnius last June)

208 parcels were sold to Kaunas (15.1% less that in May and 22.1% less than in June of last year)

44 plots were sold in June in Klaipėda (for comparison, in May this year – 67 in June this year – 37 plots)

Palanga sold more land – 69, while the owners replaced 48 plots the summer activity was 15.9%. lower than last year in June.

The Panevezys land market is calm: 48 parcels were sold in June, t. y 15.8% less than in May when 57 plots were sold. In Siauliai a little more active: 49 parcels sold in June, t. y almost 9% more than in May and 2% more than last June.

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