A.Egyga was accompanied by the International Cancer Initiative "Ride4Women" in Kaunas


An international initiative against cancer "Ride4Women" was organized Friday for biker lovers around 200 kilometers per day.

To draw attention to the sad statistics of the incidence of cervical cancer in women. , vaccination and healthy living

Tank report, the bike ride for the fifth consecutive year began this year on July 2 in Tallinn. The cyclists had already stopped in Riga, and Friday morning – in Kaunas. From the Kaunas Clinic, around 15 Ride4Women cyclists, some of whom have doctors specializing in cancer treatment, have moved to Vienna this year, en route to the capital Vilnius.

At the Kaunas Clinic for an additional ride "Ride4Women" Aurelijus Veryga, Minister of Health, came to a schedule for a holiday weekend.

"A very beautiful time in Lithuania: celebrating the centenary of our state, the coronation of Mindaugas on the day, the Song Festival takes place and you have decorated all this beautiful bouquet with something so important It's a party, you share the message, which is very important, you are a citizen, active, open and you encourage the public to take care of your health.I am very happy that your journey has crossed Lithuania. that you came to Kaunas, where is the heart of health sciences, "said A. Veryga, stressing that it would be nice to go at least 5 km of support activities with the event guests, but the holiday requires us to wear a suit.

Having started the Kaunas cycling tour in Vilnius, the Minister of Health went to other festive events

Five years ago, the oncogynecologist René Laky from Austria and his wife Monika Laky launch the Ride4Women initiative. . They organize long-distance bike rides each year across different countries. According to Rene and Monika Laky, this year's campaign aims to increase the incidence of cervical cancer, one of the four women most affected by cancer

"L & # 39, incidence of cervical cancer in Lithuania is among the highest in Europe.Every day in Lithuania, about 2 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every 2 days after death Even though 93% had an early diagnosis and a treatment appointment, cervical cancer cases are curable, "says Laky. Event, he wanted to badert that the key is to prevent illness – regular visits to the doctor and vaccinations.However, even after hearing a positive diagnosis of cervical cancer, if the disease is detected at an early stage, it is almost always cured.

R. Prof. Dr. Laky Anthrin and Ch ef of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of Kaunas Clinics of the Hospital of the University of Health Sciences of Lithuania. Ruta Jolanta Nadišauskienė. "Knowledge, healthy lifestyles and prophylaxis – a vaccine and regular control – can help us catch up to countries where the incidence of cervical cancer is significantly lower than that of the Lithuania". R. Nadišauskienė. She urged the woman not to be afraid to hear a diagnosis or a vaccine because the disease is overcome.

Kaunas Clinic. midwife gynecologist doc. Arnoldas Bartusevicius wished us to achieve the goal – only 80 percent. At least every two years, women will come to check their health. This year, this indicator reached only a little more than 60% in Lithuania

Ride4Women was grouped together in Kaunas and 5 km of rides were invited by all who want to support the initiative International anti-cancer Ride4Women in their actions. Some of the guests of the event came to see only a few dozen people – 5 km with cyclists on the island of Nemunas and some cyclists have dared to go and 135 km to Vilnius, on the road set up by the Ride4Women team

The Ride4Women bike ride will take about two weeks, according to the report. His team plans to drop 1758 km, with its nine European cities: Tallinn, Riga, Kaunas, Minsk, Lublin, Kelcus, Budapest, Bratislava and Vienna. The European Association of Gynecologists and Oncologists (ESGO) and Roche, a leading pharmaceutical and diagnostic company specializing in the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases, including cervical cancer, sponsor and implement the Ride4Women initiative. function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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