"Revolution Festival" created all the scenes: General Levy conquered a host of festivals | names


"The four main musical styles of the festival remain the same: jungle, techno, hardcore and psytrance, we've updated some of these styles on stage and created a new After Time scene that only works during the day.It speaks of the abundance of shows and the variety of music that has never existed before, "says the organizers of the event

Music on the Biggest Stage of the event is the music with which the festival was born: the jungle and the drum and bbad.Sony and melodious rhythms were shocked today by the legend of the live music, the General Levy, the Active Baltic Champions, Mean Teeth and others

  Photo Sonata Blažytė / The moment of

Photo Sonata Blažytė / "Revolution Festival"

Today, the charismatic "Vilniaus energija" with MC Mesijum and Ad Gecevičius , one of the rus performers his most famous, Steppa Style and others, will appear here. Every year, the organizers devote a lot of attention not only to musical content, but also to scenic decorations.

  Photo of Eglė Mačiulskytė / The moment of

Photo of Eglė Mačikskytė / The moment of the "Festival of the Revolution"

The most pleasant and lightest day after Time Scene, which stands out for its location not standard. The stage has been created on the peninsula and surrounded by water, and artists from all over Lithuania will enjoy musical badtails in a variety of styles, which will refresh festival participants throughout the day until the end of the day. what the main stages of the event are restored.

Another scenic event is shared by two musical styles: techno and hardcore, the scene being at the farthest point of the festival, those who want a network of quiet sleep between the trees can enjoy the natural harmony and the chaos of the birds. The concrete on which the stage is built creates an impression of brutality and industriality, which complements the visualizations presented, allowing the scene to acquire a totally different image and character. The dance of last night called techno rhythms with names such as Blush Response and Under Black Helmet, and tonight's techno sounds will be replaced by a hardcore hardcore, performers like Detest, Mathlovsky, M1dlet and others will appear

Photo of Sonata Blažytė / The moment of the "Festival of the Revolution"

  Photo of Sonata Blažytė / The moment of

Photo of Sonata Blažytė / The moment of the "Festival of the Revolution "

The music on the psytrance scene in the forest valley rings in the morning. Yesterday there were artists like Dj Cubixx and X-Trees, and today FoxMind, Latvian Eddesey and other artists of this genre come from Israel

As every year, the festival visitors with Lithuanians from around the world on July 6 21:

  Photo of Eglė Mačiulskytė / The moment of

Photo of Eglė Mačikskytė / The moment of the "Festival of the Revolution"

The festival organizers devote every year a great attention to the prevention of narcotics The event is organized by the medical staff 24 hours a day, and this year, the organizers also cooperate with "Jauna banga", an organization active in the field of prevention of narcotics. On Saturday, the Young Wave Festival held a conference in which they talked about a safe night party

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