A.Thuspedas: art can help survive a crisis of self-awareness


The art has always been a symbol of political action

When it comes to revolutions, it is generally considered a political upheaval, as says the sculptor Vytenis Burokas in the discussion "How Culture and Art Lead Revolutions". According to him, the art is often categorized as a field of beauty and encouraged not to be politicized: "However, art history says otherwise, because the art is often the symbol of political action. "

" A piece of marble was once picked up, with which was someone who tried to do something, it was another artist.Finally, he fell into the hands of Michelangelo, who received an order from the department of Florence.Has David was considered a symbol of the political struggle.Characteristic is not really understood as an attribute of beauty.It was a job with great political tension, "says the rapporteur.

According to V. Buroko, for many years the status of art has changed: "It was a privilege of the high, the art was a matter of the elite. The possibility of artistic development arose during the industrial revolution, and the work has become one in which it is possible to represent the political theme as well as to show political power. "

Gustav Courbet, as Burton says, now looks like to a painter who portrays realistic works that are not controversial. "However, in his time, the works of G.Courbet did not correspond to the notion of the art of that time.What was represented was unusual, since neither the high society nor the seigniorial culture were On the contrary, images of people working in rural areas, this art inspired a new artistic movement – the Impressionists who were also political activists. "

Artists are part of political life

According to V Bulko, a great example of the power of the art to change something is "Black Square" by Kazimir Malevich ":" This painting was not just a stylistic walk, it was rather about A political gesture showing that the colors are destroyed, the reality in which we recognize the images Incidentally, the "Black Square" was exposed as a clbadic orthodox icon.In this work, the political program was supposed to I changed the image of the art. "

Speaking of Lithuanian artists, V.Burokas mentions Gediminas and Nomeda Urbonus, who protested against" Lithuanian "cinema to demolish it." These artists organized acts of civil disobedience to preserve the cultural space . "Modern art and artists have always been part of politics," he says.

Burok says the "singing revolution" was a revolutionary artistic revolution: "Nobody believed that the revolution could pbad with the song, not the blood … swirling The movement of Sąjūdis and" Singing revolution "used the idea of civil disobedience but not degenerate but coming from the art. "

Modern art lacks thought

The artist Juozas Griušys claims that there are many small revolutions, because it is the solution of any artistic problem. form. "Today, art is often impressed by any content, I am a supporter of clbadical art and I often miss contemporary art," says Griušis. people are looking for freedom and want it as much as possible, but they also have problems: "We enjoy ourselves in our expression and do not talk about global themes." Today, art is part of the revolution capitalist.Business invest in artists, galleries and the value of art, but if the art serves the case, it is not good. "

Vilius Kavaliauskas , a member of Lewben Group's board of directors, thinks that the art has long enjoyed the culture of consumption. "Apart from the entrepreneurial art, there are fewer opportunities development, something to support artists and their ideas. Every movement needs stimulation. "

Culture Expresses Accumulated Energy

When we talk about who we are, the question is who represents us.Gediminas Castle is one of those representative symbols. Is it now only the ruins ruined.Here we are dealing with the question of identity and we think that this revolution will take place, says A. Kauspėdas

Algirdas Kaušpėdas in a discussion raises the question of what is culture and says that it is always tied to tradition and some ideology. "Looking at the hierarchy of human needs, culture is not a priority. It is only after the importance of bread, air and safety that it is necessary to join groups, build beliefs and so on. after. In terms of culture-inspired changes, they often dump condensed energy. An example of this is the marches that looked like musical festivals but were manifestations of freedom, "says the musician.

As Kauspėdas says, Lithuania is experiencing a conscious crisis: "This brings about changes in culture. Art can give clues wherever we go. This is illustrated by the history of Lukiškės Square when we came across the question of who we are and what we want to represent. When we talk about who we are, the question arises as to who represents us. Gediminas Castle is one of these representative symbols. What's she now? Only the ruins ruined. We are here dealing with the question of identity and think that this revolution will take place … "

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