Russia cries: Sochi tragedy ends with Croatian victory on penalties | Sport


After 90 minutes, the result was 1: 1, and the teams again changed their goals through the extension. 4: 3

It is only the second time at the last six world championships that the host countries do not qualify for the semifinals (South Africa 2010)

The Croatians hit for the first time the four priority teams on the planet since 1998.

  Scanpix photo / Russia - Croatia

Scanpix photo / Russia – Croatia

The Croats controlled the ball by 64%. and made 17 shots, but Danijel Subasičius, guardian of the Croatian gate, had more work than Igor Akinfeev.

For only three Croatian shots went to the door area. The Russians made 13 shots, but even struck 7 times in the rectangle.

The Russian team opened the first goal with a fantastic shot on Denis Cheryshev for 31 minutes

The Croatian response was quick: Andrejs Kramaritsus took advantage of the 39th minute

Domagozi Vida, who scored a corner (101 minutes), was sent to the Russian team during the upgrade, Mario Mandžukičius tied the score.

There were no other players in the team.

  Scanpix Photo / Russia - Croatia

Scanpix Photo / Russia – Croatia

Sochi came back to euphoria when Mario Fernandes did the same – led the ball towards the shot of the head (115 min.)

Igor Akinfeev, in the series of offenses, bounced the blow from Mateo Kovacichi and was close to coping with the ban on Luka Modriča

A Russian referee was not enough Punishment

Danijelis Subasičius hit Fyodor Smolov, who was the first to strike first, and during the stretch, Mr.Fernandes, who became the hero, did not hit the zone of the door.

Ivan Rakitits completed the last Croatian punishment and Russian tears began to tremble.

Croatia became the second team, which managed to win a series of penalties.

It is Argentina who made it for the first time in 1990.

We recall that the Croats eliminated Denmark in the eighth final, while the Russians in the quarterfinals final have also recovered from Spain.

 ] Scanpix Photo / Russia - Croatia </p>
<p>  <strong> V.Cherchev: Our Country Loves </strong> </p>
<p>  "We believed that we could only prove our worth by hard work. people have started not only to appreciate us, but also to love us.Russia has fallen in love with us.They know that Russian teams are worth it, "said the coach of the Russian national team Stanislav Cerchezov after leaving the tournament. </p>
<h2>  Russia – Croatia. Match match </h2>
<p> <strong><br />
</strong> </p>
<p><strong>  The series of fines: </strong> </p>
<p>  F. Smolov (Russia) – Referee (0-0) <br /> M.Brozovich (Croatia) – Gol (0: 1) <br /> A.Dzagoyev Russia (1: 1) <br /> L.Modričius (Croatia) – Germans (1: 1) <br /> M.Kovačičius (Croatia) – Atremta (1: 1) <br /> M.Fernandes) – Goal (1: 2) <br /> S. Ignaševičius (Russia) – Goal (2: 2) ) <br /> D. Vida (Croatia) – Goal (2: 3) <br /> D.Kuziaev (Russia) Purpose (3: 3) <br /> I.Rakitičius (Croatia) – Goal (3: 4) <br /> ] Croats go to the semi-finals! </p>
<p><strong>  119 min. </strong> I.Zobnino powerful shot at long range! D.Subasičius did not break in the door. After two extensions – 2: 2. </p>
<p>  <strong> 115 min. Gol The Russians equalized the result! </strong> J.Pivaricius played the hand on the penalty area and the Russians used the situation. Fernandes led the ball into the Croatian gate and Sochi reborn. </p>
<p><strong>  113 min. </strong> Once again, he had to work for D.Subasičius, when his fingers had to send a dangerous transfer from the edge. </p>
<p>  <strong> 112 minutes </strong> D.Kuziajevas fired a powerful shot when the ball bounced at his feet after a sharp turn. However, D.Subasičius responded skilfully. </p>
<p>  <strong> 105 min. </strong> Russian dangerous shot from the corner, but next. </p>
<p>  <strong> 101 min. Gol Crocheted in front! D.Vida hit the head after the corner led Croatia ahead. </strong> The shot was not strong, but I.Akinfeev's shot was blocked by the defender, so the goalkeeper did not take a shot hit. </p>
<p><strong>  100 minutes </strong> The children defeated the Croatian defender, weakly pointing the ball towards the goalkeeper. D.Lovren had to correct the situation in the penalty area – he managed to do it without penalty. </p>
<p>  <strong> 90 + 4 minutes </strong> The Croats closed the Russian door in the final minutes of the second half and put one corner after the other, but the hosts defended. Within 90 minutes, the team's relationship was not resolved – 1: 1 </p>
<p><strong>  85 min. </strong> A big transfer from A. Golovin with a penalty kick, but the Croatians "cleared" the penalty area. </p>
<p>  <strong> 75 min </strong>. The attacker led the forward L.Modričių to the back of the penalty area and put himself in the penalty area, but instead of knocking him down, the Croatian leader hit the ball and it was enough for the Russians to continue to block the shot. <strong>] A. Zububa pulls from the corner, but directly to the goalkeeper. </p>
<p>  <strong> 60 minutes </strong> Very good chances were not used by the Croats. I.Periščius, after a stir in the penalty area, poured the ball into the door, but he hit the turn, went along the door line, but did not fall into the door </p>
<p>  <strong> 50 minutes </strong> A. Kramaricius sneaks through, but strikes directly into the goalkeeper. </p>
<p>  <strong> 39 min. Gol Transfer of M.Mandžiukius from the left edge "closed" A.Kramaricius. </strong> It is interesting to note that before this game, the Croatians won the 8 matches in which A. Kramaricius won. </p>
<p><strong>  31 min. Gol D. Cheryshev allowed Russia to advance with a superb long distance shot! </strong> It's amazing, but the last 6 Russian strikes at the door area – even five have been turned into goals. </p>
<p><strong>  29 min </strong>. I.Perišičius shook his head smartly, but then he moved. </p>
<p>  <strong> 15 min. </strong> A.Rebičius raised the most problems for the Russian defense at the beginning of the match. Few fouls were caused at the penalty points, and A.Rebičius gave the Croatians a chance to make some good shots. It is true that Croatia has not spoiled anything. </p>
<p>  <strong> 8 min. </strong> The Russians started a series of attacks at once, but the Croats also attacked dangerously after a bend. The Horde gradually takes control of the ball </p>
<p>  <strong> Composition of the team: </strong> </p>
<p>  <strong> Russia </strong>: I.Akinfeev, M.Fernandes, I.Koutepov, S .Ignashevich, F. Kudriašov, D. Kuziaev, R. Zobnin, D. Cheryshev, A. Samedov, A. Golovin, A.Zziba </p>
<p>  <strong> Croatia: </strong> D.Subasiic, D.Vida, D. Lovren, S.Vsaljko, </p>
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VIDEO: Composition of Russian-Croatian teams

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