The day of state fireworks bursts between people: the legs hurt by women


"Hello, on July 6, we organized fireworks organized by the Vilnius Municipality and we went to the White Bridge, on the seafront, near the street Gostautas, with our family. A firewall was ripped off and landed on the ground and exploded between people

During the blast, my wife, who held her three legs on her arm, was injured during the blast. explosion

. / Injured legs

15min photo player Before the explosion, I sat on the ground with my baby on the belly and I do not want to imagine what would have been if the fire was not there. artifice had fallen and exploded near us at that time

After the explosion, we tried to seek help from officers or doctors.I only saw the guardian I did not receive a specific answer and when I asked for help, I had to call 112 by myself me, after two minutes of conversation, they had joined me with the help I had again.

I do not understand who needs help 112? Express arrived in 15 minutes. Why did not the organizers provide for an appropriate protection zone just 20 meters from the bridge? A burst of fireworks landed about 100 meters from the protection zone. Why was there no official and doctor in Gostauto, although there were really a lot of people together?

Although this time it ended happily, a tragedy could have occurred, "wrote the reader.

Thanks to the reader for sharing information. [19659009] (function () {
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