"Formula 1": Lewis Hamilton was not satisfied with Sebastian Vettel


Road and Qualification

A total of more than 306 kilometers of racers took the Silverstone track. The riders were waiting for 52 wheels of the fight. Lewis Hamilton, who traveled home on the road, was the best in qualifying. He won pole position for the Sunday races.

The second was Sebastian Vettel. Kimi Raikkonen, who pbaded the Mercedes Valters Botta driver, finished third.

The fifth and sixth places were shared by Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo, members of the Red Bull Racing team. Kevin Magnussen and Romain Grosjean de Haas – seventh and eighth place.


Immediately after the start, a collision between Lewis Hamilton and Ferrari at the wheel of Kimi was the first of the first race. Raikkonen. The latter told the team that he thought his car was badly damaged. After this incident, the British fell to position 17.

Sebastian Vettel broke in the lead, Valters Bottas second and Max Verstappen in second. At that time, the collision with Lewis Hamilton, Kimi Raikkonen, did not have much effect. He was still in fourth race

  F1 .com / twitter illustrations / Formula 1 in Silverstone Road Formula

F1 .com / twitter illustrations / Formula 1 in Silverstone Road


Faces at the start of the race did not beat Lewis Hamilton's pace and apparently did not have much success for his car. It is true that the rivals reported that they were penalized for ten seconds by Kimi Raikkonen, who was fined ten seconds in the service area.


Kimi Raikkonen technical service area arrived fairly early. The team ordered him to change the tires, and at the same time there was an extra ten seconds stop left by the judges. At that time, Lewis Hamilton had already climbed to sixth place, while Sebastian Vettel was still the leader of the race

  AFP / Scanpix photo / Moment of the race

AFP / Scanpix photo / Moment of the race


Nearly half of the race ended with Charles Leclerc, representing the crews of Sauber. He hit the track and broke the wheel of the car.


After 34 other wheels, the driver Mercedes Valter Bottas broke. At that time, Lewis Hamilton ran behind Sebastian Vettel, who was in second place. After the failure early in the race, Great Britain rehabilitated very quickly and even recorded the fastest lap time. At that time, the race ended with another Sauber driver, Marcus Ericsson. He did not control the car and hit the rally on the track

  AFP / Photo Scanpix / Moment of the race

AFP / Photo Scanpix / Moment of the race

36/52 [19659002] Following the runners of the accident Marcuso Ericsson The wheels of the wheels had to go after a safety car. Directed by Walter Botta. The second is Sebastian Vettel. The third is Lewis Hamilton, for whom this phase of safety car was particularly well suited to reach the leaders.

The fourth time was Max Verstappen from Red Bull Racing. The position below is Kimi Raikkonen. Admittedly, between the last two riders, they fought a fierce battle and, after the security phase, they constantly fought and changed their position

  AFP / Scanpix photo / Moment of the race

AFP / Scanpix photo / Moment of the race [19659011] 39/52

Just after the safety of the phase of the car, he had to leave the road again and again. The yellow flags were shown when Romain Grosjean, the Haas pilot, prevented him from playing Carlos Sainz with Renault.

So, two consecutive phases of car safety, if necessary, reduced the differences between the race athletes, so that the remaining twelve wheels were really tense.

  AFP / Scanpix </p>
<h2>  47/52 </h2>
<p>  Sebastian Vettel, who aggressively but surely outclbaded Walter Botta, has moved forward, following five races. For the Mercedes and the Germans, they were distinguished. </p>
<h2>  49/52 </h2>
<p>  It seems that Valters Bottas has considerably narrowed the pace. He was not only hijacked by teammate Lewis Hamilton, but also by Kimi Raikkonen, who climbed to third place. </p>
<h2>  Finished </h2>
<p>  Sebastien Vettley managed to save first place. At the start of the race, Lewis Hamilton, surrounded by Kimi Raikkonen, was second. The third is exactly the same Kimi Raikkonen from Ferrari. </p>
<p>  The fourth result was captured by Walter Bott. Fifth – Daniel Ricciardo. Sixth place was won by Nico Hulkenberg. Esteban O 'Connor of Force India finished seventh. In eighth place, Fernando Alonso finished the race. Nine and ten places shared by Kevin Magnussen and Pierre Gasly respectively </p>
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