"Real" has surrendered rights to A. Limas, who aspires to the local NBA


The Real Madrid team gave up the rights of August Lima, who did not endorse this club and was loaned to other teams.

Brazil paid 75,000.

Currently, former Zalgiris A. Lima is in the summer league and is heading to the National Basketball Association (NBA).

Raptors in Toronto, representing 26 years 208 cm high After the departure of Žalgiris, A. Lima replaced three teams: played in China, Istanbul "Behiktaş" and

In the Spanish league, A. Lima has scored 6.4 points in 19 minutes and rebounded 5.8 in the Champions League, averaging 7.3 points and 5.4 rebounds over the same period. 19659007] can knet_appID = & # 39; 227367183989957 & quot ;;
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