In summer, "Bike News" does not go to the holidays: we will also see new characters


LRT TV "Bicycle Knowledge" will be amazed by the spectators throughout the summer. And it will not be rehearsals, but new releases. One of the creators of Harold Mackevich's program ensures that news and current problems will not fail and we will also see new characters in the scenes.

Keliaus po Lietuva

"On July 16, we will begin our new season. The new addition is that the show will air four times a week, from Monday to Thursday, at 22:30, said H.Mackevičius

who thinks that the show will not miss any news, as new headings will be presented . "This summer we will start the 25th season" Bike ", which will be birthday, and we will try to show as much news as we have each season," said one of the creators of the promised popular humorous promise.

"New adventures will endure ours" "We plan to visit the small towns of Lithuania, to go along the province and send an expedition to Palanga – there will be scenes of the seaside where we will speak to the poor Palanga businessmen ", – plans shared by H.Mackevičius

The Seimas' spring session goes to the end. Not only the majority of Seimas members, but also other politicians are preparing to take a break in the middle of summer.

We have new candidates for the post of President of Lithuania, I think we will show them.

H.Mackevičius states that in the case of LRT television, the group "Bicycle Knowledge" is not afraid that men leave ideas. the spectators will see new characters. "We have new candidates for the post of President of Lithuania, I think we will show them, there will not be enough news," said the producer. "19659004" Although the official election campaign of the Lithuanian President has not started yet. It's always fun to talk about it, because we are often unable to do it because the political problems go very far, "he added. .Mackevich

He was pleased with the recently renewed work of the authors of the program. "It is true that if we are up to the next Lithuanian presidential election, if we do not want it, we are sure to propose to the public and many scenes of vasarest" – "summer summer"

Do not quit fashion

The story of "Bike", which has lasted for 25 years, shows that political satire is a fashionable genre in Lithuania

. to be a humorous liberation, and a liberation of political satire. We did that and so, and so. Sometimes it happens that we only shoot the day before the release of the film and we decide what will be this release this time. In summer, there will be more human jokes, but the holidays of the politicians, I think, will not be able to do without political satyrs, "smiles Mackevičius

Himself, the summer, on the farm . There, I am working on physical farm work and I will rejoice. I will be back from the exit, but this summer will be a bit more achievable for us. We used to leave three months earlier, it's now only a year and a half ago. Indeed, even a month off is enough. "Cycling Knowledge" did not miss the summer plans because we knew such a plan in advance and that we were ready for anything. We are already filming a bit, preparing our shows, recording songs. It's just now that I'm creating a new video that I think will be really fun, "said H.Mackevičius, a fictional man of all the secrets he's delighted with" Bike. "[19659014]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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