The birthplace of J. Naujalis is a famous 150th anniversary of this composer


When the Seimas announced the year 2019 in the year of Juozas Naujalis, the heads of the various cultural institutions of the homeland of this composer in Raudondvira discussed the most meaningful and interesting way of celebrating this year. "J. Vice-President of the Department of Culture, Education and Sport of the Kaunas District Municipal Administration, Alvira Čičinskienė, proposed to conclude a plan for the events of J. Naujelis year anniversary with two years Three large and several small events

"The strongest accents should be February 16 and April 9, the anniversary of J. Naujalis", – V. Makūnas, suggesting the use of events not only for the area Raudondvaris but also for the Raudondvaris Šv. The babies of Jesus Teresa and Zapyškis St. The spaces of the church St. John the Baptist Justinas Krėpšta, director of the Kahnas State Philharmonic Society, has already stated that it has already had concrete ideas that it intends to achieve with the Kaunas City Symphony Orchestra and the Kaunas State Choir. "For some of J. Naujalis' works, we would have prepared orchestrations that sounded fully. At the same time, it would be possible to organize a scientific conference devoted to the life and work of the composer ", – said the head of the Philharmonie.

Director of the Musical Theater of. Kaunas State Benjaminas Želvys proposed the genre of the mystery. "It could be a concert with dramatic elements and, of course, with only one director," said the director.And here is the accoAkademija with the film. Orchestra M. Levicki determined to interpret the works of the Lithuanian Patriarchate of Music in Contemporary Fashion

Meeting participants agreed to write a joint project and submit it to the Ministry of Culture

J. Naujalis (1869-1934), Lithuanian composer, organist, choirmaster, pedagogue, initiator and conductor of the first Lithuanian Song Festival Born April 9, 1869. In Raudondvaris, an exhibition is dedicated to him in the museum of the district of Kaunas

J. The name of the novel is called Kaunas Music Gymnasium, the choral competitions take place in Raudondvár, the competitions of young choral conductors and the religious music competitions for choirs.

J. The novel is mainly considered as educator of the Lithuanian national consciousness. The composer's creative legacy consists of around 200 works of various genres. There are 13 mbades, about 20 motets, many songs, many harmonized and original songs for the choirs, the symphonic poem "Autumn", the game "Dream", the preludes, the fugues, the cantatas. Many works were created in the words of Maironis: "Lithuania is expensive", "Spring", "Summer nights", "Song of the young". In addition, according to folk songs: "On the hill shook carts", "Oi light lantern", "Send me a mother".

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