A supermassive black hole released a neutrino shot directly on Earth


In recent years, scientific progress has been fundamental: we have begun to see cosmic events in general without any photon recording – mainly by the LIGO laboratory, which captures gravity waves. However, LIGO is not the first player in this "invisible" league. A few years ago, the IceCube sensor was trying to calculate the cosmic neutrinos at work in the South Ashigh.

The result of LIGO was already anterior: it is already detected by a detector when a gravitational wave signal arrives at the Earth with the optical signal. It was the first time in the history of astronomy, when an event was captured in several fundamentally different media physically.

Although IceCube has already been a collection of phenomenal high-energy neutrinos, scientists have not been able to link them to specific photon sources. But yesterday, the situation changed completely: for the first time, a high energy neutrino signal was sent by the supermbadive black hole (Blazers) directly to the Earth

Neutral hunting

The high energy neutrinos that we reach from space the largest cosmic rays: where do these particles of phenomenal energy come from? They can be millions of times more energetic than the particles that scientists receive in the most powerful particle accelerators on Earth. We have such thoughts about their origins, but up to now we have not identified in a precise and indisputable way the source of cosmic rays.

But it is very likely that these sources of radiation are also sources of high energy neutrinos. Knowing that neutrinos are free, we conclude that they can not accelerate alone. As a result, they are emitted during the decomposition of some other high energy particles, in addition to inheriting some of their energy. This means that the recording of peta-electron tensions is a trace of the existence of an even larger energy particle.

IceCube was designed for specifically identified neutrinos from space. It is an Antarctic ice cube (so named), one side of which is one kilometer long, and the sides are etched with photodetectors. From time to time, neutrinos interact with ice atoms. If the neutrino is energetic enough, the resulting muon may have enough energy to allow the ship to travel faster than the light. In physics, such a speed is "unacceptable", so that the muon quickly loses its energy by emitting photons (what is called Cherenkov radiation). IceCube photodetectors specifically record these photons, allowing scientists to determine what energy they are "born" from neutrinos and where they come from.

VIDEO: Neutrino, measuring the unexpected – IceCube

So close IceCube can also detect the source of their existing astronomical sensors, which are intended to detect the cosmic rays that cross our atmosphere, [19659002ItshouldalsobenotedthatthecosmicraysthatencountertheEarth'satmosphereindeedinterfereswiththeperformanceofIceCubebecausethesecollisionsalsogeneratemuonsrecordedbysensorsHowevertheycanberelativelyeasilydistinguished-theirsignalreachesthedetectorfromtheoutside


IceCube has so far captured dozens of high energy extreme neutrinos and / or a large number of neutrinos. has determined the origin of their origin, but until now, no interesting source of photons has been found in these directions. But scientists working with this sensor have not dropped their hands and have put in place a system that, after recording the neutrinos, would provide other astronomers with approximate information about where it came from. And then the process of calculating the information on the direction is priority

This system was already operational last September, when the neutrino 170922A arrived, after which a tenth warning was sent to the astronomers. Neutrino detectors affected about 24 volt-electronvolts (about twice as large as the "Large Hadron LHC-13 TeV" "pressed"). This means that neutrino-generated particles have a pecan-electron-volt energy level and are attributable to high-energy cosmic rays.

More important this time was the fact that the neutrino came from the same cosmic side where the photons were already known The source is Blazar TXS 0506 + 056. The Blazers are a version of a quasar – a supermbadive black hole at center of the galaxy that feeds on the surrounding matter. During feeding, these objects spit out jets of particles and photons that give energy to the black hole and magnetic field of its environment. In rare cases, the orientation of the blazers is such that their jets are visible from the Earth (we enter the path of their jets).

The signals emitted by the blazars can change with time: the black holes are twisted. , so the energy sent to the depths of space fluctuates too. Subsequent observations by gamma and X-ray telescopes showed that the TXS 0506 + 056 blazare had a period of increased activity during the recording of neutrinos.

Scientists evaluated the previous TXS 0506 + 056 observations and compared the position information of the blazas with that of IceCube. They consider that in all models where increased blazar activity is badociated with neutrino production, the probability of an accidental linkage of two different sources can be ruled out by the reliability of the three standard deviations. In other words, the random coincidence of the direction of the blazar and the neutron source is extremely unlikely, but insufficient, so that we can call it a definitive discovery.

In a separate search, IceCube researchers described all cases of previous signal capture. To determine if this is the first time that sources of neutrinos and cosmic rays coincide – the data has been collected for seven years. During the badysis, the total neutron background was determined and the neutron flux from TXS 0506 + 056 exceeded the background value. From 2013 to 2015, 13 neutrinos were captured on this side. You may find that the number is small, but when it comes to neutrinos, when the capture of each of them is in itself a serious challenge, there was a surplus of 3 , 5 standard deviations. In the end, due to attempts to connect neutrinos with a blazar, a large number of telescopes were created to target a dominant region of the sky and scan the area in a broad electromagnetic spectrum. TXS 0506 + 056 is one of the 50 most important objects in the sky, and is one of the most important in terms of distance to the ground. The observations made it possible to define the physical properties of the blazers more rigorously and allowed the scientists to compare different models of neutrino formation: one in which the neutrinos are mainly formed by interacting with such particles when the proton and the second, in which Neutrinos are formed in the interaction of electrons. In the end, it was found that when interactions between protons and other larger particles prevailed in blazer streams, the probability of detecting neutrinos was low – about two percent. However, if the electrons dominated, the probability of detection was simply horrible. Therefore, the researchers tend to conclude that TXS 0506 + 056 sputum is mainly composed of protons and similar particles

There is no doubt that TXS 0506 + 056 will be monitored and further, so we will need to know the properties blazers. And IceCube project managers propose to increase the volume of ice photoconductors, thus increasing the sensitivity of the sensor. Thus, we can expect that in the future we will know much more about how the universe produces high energy particles and what conditions are needed to achieve such extreme energies. We may find much less in this discovery than in the first recording of gravitational waves, but the new astronomy field of multimedia astronomy is expected to greatly expand our knowledge of the universe.

The details of scientific work can be found here.
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