We lost the poet, the signatory, Vidmantė Jasukaitytė


Author: Voruta Date Added: July 15, 2018, 10:27

  Damn poet, signatory, Vidmantė Jasukaitytė

Vidmantas Jasukaitytė


Saturday morning at the Klaipeda hospital after a long and serious illness, a Lithuanian poet , prose writer, playwright, Signature of the law of March 11 Vidmantas Jasukaitytė Eltai approved by the Union of Writers.

Vidmantas Jasukaitytė was 70 on July 10

Vidmantas Jasukaitytė was born in 1948. July 10 Pumpučiai, Šiauliai district. Since 1955 studied in Toličiai, Voveriškės Eightyear, Šiauliai 5th secondary school. Since the age of sixteen, he has started working. 1966 Graduate of Šiauliai 3rd Evening High School. 1967-1971 Studies of Lithuanian Language and Literature at the University of Vilnius, Faculty of Philology.

Worked at the Council of Correctional Work Institutions, in the publishing house "Minties", at the Ministry of Culture of the LSSR. In the year of rebirth, "Sietynas" – a cultural and theater studio – was created with others. 1990-1992 was a deputy of the Supreme Council-Reenacting Seimas, signatory of November 11th of the Independence Recovery Act. Founder of the Lithuanian Women's Union

Member of the Union of Lithuanian Writers since 1979

1970. The first publication of V. Jasukaitytė was published in 1976. – The first poetry book "The Fire to Go". In total, he publishes seven books of poetry ("Yes, I am far away", "My brother, man", "Solar too", "Do not let money say", "The true face of non-being" And "Subačiaus street", "Getas"), two essays ("Miraculous Grbad of the Valley" and "Golband, who will wait"), the test "Golgotos vynuoges", four novels ("After we will not to us "," Mary Egipte "," God dies alone "and" I killed my daughter ") According to the scenario of the writer, the film" Grbad roots ", directed by G. Lukšas, has was created.

The miracle collection "The magic grbad of the sides" was translated into Spanish and published in Madrid.

V. Jasukaitytė – Literary Awards Winner of Zigmas Gaidamavičius-Flowers and Juozas Paukštis. Awarded by the Lithuanian Independence Medal (2000).

V. Jasukaityte was married and father of two sons and a daughter.


In Memoriam ] Vidmantas Jasukaitytė

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