10 interesting facts about skydiving Life


The oldest paratrooper These extreme entertainments, apparently, are only intended for thirsty youngsters. However, it turns out that there are a lot of older people harder for all of us! The oldest jumper's oldest recorded record dates back to July 2017, when 102-year-old Kenny Meyer of New Jersey said, "I'm doing this for the United States!"

Largest jumping group in parachute. Having fun with friends is always more fun than one, but not everyone dares to pursue an unusual record. Unsurprisingly, after 2006, a record jump in the group, but no one has managed to improve it. At that time, 400 experienced jumpers completed their plan in Thailand. They all jumped from the plane, managed to shake hands together and stay there for a few seconds, and then they were known as "jump bosses".

Junior Jumper The most daring and youngest parachute dancer was a four-year-old boy, Toni Stadler. A boy of German origin, whose parents live in South Africa, reached this record precisely in 2000. Certainly, it is unclear who and why signed the consent of such a jump.

The highest jump. This record was recorded in 2014 by the Vice President of Google, Eustace. A.Eustace, a former pilot and experienced parachutist with a special balloon inflated to helium, climbed into the stratosphere and jumped 135,000. 890 feet tall, and it took 4 minutes and 27 seconds to reach floor. Felix Baumgartner, who jumped 39 kilometers high, arrived on the scene only a few years ago

  AFP / Photo Scanpix / Felix Baumgartner

AFP / Photo Scanpix / Felix Baumgartner

Most jumps a day. An entertainment actually – carries ! Therefore, they want to be repeated more and more. That's how the world has seen the new record – it's the biggest leap in a single day. On May 20, 2001, this record was reached by Michael Zang, with a total of 500 jumps. The time interval between jumps was less than 3 minutes and the height of 2100 feet

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Free Fall Tattoo In Sweden, a jumper set a new record and became the world's first free fall tattoo 4000 meters high. The wizard was tweeted by WFFT, which means "the first tattoo of the free fall of the world" for the first time.

The first jump skydiving center. This hobby seems so old that no one has ever wondered where and from where it came from. It turns out that the first parachute jump center was opened in India, as well as the first jockey school.

The peculiarities of free fall. It is established that in case of free fall, the wind whistles at 100 miles at the hour, which means that a person can not hear any sound, even if that is not the case. is a spy friend directly in his ear.

The descent speed is not the same. Some people fall faster, while others are slower. When you parachute, you can change the position of your body, thus controlling the speed of fall. Experienced paratroopers sometimes even allow themselves to gain extra weight to increase their speed in free fall and increase the level of adrenaline

  Dropzone.lt nuotr. / The moment of the accident

Dropzone.lt nuotr. / The moment of the accident

Professional photos of the jump time. Have you ever thought that it would probably be extremely difficult to make great quality photos in the air? That's why professional jumpers photographers have found a somewhat bizarre but comfortable way of doing it – they hold the camera or the button in their mouths. There are even three possible ways to pull: the tongue, the breath or the bite. If it is taken with a "language", the camera is considered just biting and the button is pressed with a touch of the tongue. When shooting with a "bite", a special button is inserted between the teeth, and once finished, the picture is taken. Well, using the "air blow" method, a special tube is added in the mouth, in which the professional photo is taken in the mouth.

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